News Brief by Kip Hansen — 9 December 2024 – 500 words
Sometimes we feel that we, and our allies in the energy/climate battle, are the only ones that face the reality that a national or regional electrical grid can be overloaded with wind and solar resources to the point that the reliability of the grid itself is threatened.
Almost always, those acting on the other side of the controversy, those who are adamant that fossil fuels absolutely must be abandoned at any cost, speak to the media and say that our views, our facts, are false, and that anyone presenting evidence contrary to their anti-fossil fuels views must be engaging in intentional disinformation.
So, when we, the climate deniers, shills for fossil fuel companies all, point out the obvious truths about the problems caused by adding too many intermittent renewable energy sources to electrical grids without adequate reliable dispatchable backup, we are brushed off, denigrated, ignored, mocked, and vilified in the press.
I have written about it here on WUWT. Roger Caiazza wrote recently on this situation in New York state.
There are energy professionals, grid building and maintaining professionals, that have tried to get this message across to legislatures and the public as well. But they too are ignored, for the most part.
But when real-world reality strikes it produces news coverage like this in Australia’s SkyNews two weeks ago:
Oscar Godsell — November 27, 2024
“Residents in Australia’s largest state have been issued a bizarre dictate to choose between using the dishwasher or suffering blackouts as the government is accused of placing the burden of the renewable energy transition on Australians.”
“The Minns government asking consumers to rearrange their schedules and swelter through hot temperatures to support the grid is an inevitable result of the government’s attempt to build a renewables-dominated grid.
“Our energy grid has traditionally relied on dispatchable coal and gas generators that can reliably provide enough supply during times of peak demand – like during a heatwave.
“But now our grid is increasingly relying on wind and solar generation which cannot be switched on when we need it.”
“We’ve been notified by AEMO that there are insufficient reserves in terms of generation available over the coming day,” Mr Minns told reporters.
“The reason for that is that solar production in the energy market starts to come off from 3pm at exactly the same time as people return home from work.”
As solar energy production decreases in the late afternoon, demand spikes as people turn on air conditioners and other appliances to cope with the heat.
The situation has sparked debate over the future of Australia’s energy policy as Nationals Leader David Littleproud told Labor’s “all renewables approach” wouldn’t meet “practical reality”.
“It cannot work, it will cost more and we are now seeing it is also dangerous. A first world country like Australia should and must have energy during a heatwave,” he said.”
You can read the whole story at the link at SkyNews. Those Aussie journalists are not cowed by the Climate Cranks….they tell it like it is.
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Author’s Comment:
Now even the MSM, at least in Australia, is beginning to realize that the “all in for all renewables” push may lead to loss of the reliability of electrical grids wherever it is implemented. They were warned, but did not listen. Now their citizens are paying the price.
The worst case scenario is a total grid failure requiring a “black start”.
It will get worse as they continue to starve our electrical grids of dispatchable electrical power.
Thanks for reading.
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