The Week That Was: 2025 01-11 (January 11, 2025)
Brought to You by SEPP (
The Science and Environmental Policy Project
Quote of the Week: I have approximate answers and possible beliefs in different degrees of certainty about different things, but I’m not absolutely sure of anything. — Richard Feynman (1981)
Number of the Week: ZERO
By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)
Scope: This Week begins with a paper by van Wijngaarden and Happer estimating the role of clouds in a varying climate. Then it discusses another paper by van Wijngaarden and Happer estimating the role of Methane on today’s climate. Japanese researcher Kyoji Kimoto asserts that many modelers ignore the atmospheric window. Wallace Manheimer cautions scientific societies on their unsupported assertions regarding climate change. A new form of estimating carbon dioxide concentrations in periods with different climates is questioned. A Nobel Prize in Medicine is questioned. Also discussed is the failure of government entities in southern California to recognize changing weather.
Clarifying a Cloudy Issue? In the No Tricks Zone, Kenneth Richard briefly discusses a new paper by Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) physicists William van Wijngaarden and William Happer “Radiation Transport in Clouds” published by Klimarealistene (Norwegian, Climate Realists), in The Science of Climate Change. As Nobel Laureate John Clauser and others have pointed out, the importance of variation in clouds is overlooked by the IPCC and its collaborators, as is the variation in the intensity of the sun and the solar wind. The paper includes high level mathematics and this TWTW will briefly discuss the new van Wijngaarden and Happer paper and discuss it further in a subsequent issue.
The abstract states:
“We briefly review the dominant role of clouds in Earth’s climate. The earliest observational studies of heat transfer through Earth’s atmosphere, for example, those of John Leslie around 1800, showed that clouds have a large effect on radiative heat transfer from Earth’s surface to space. Greenhouse gases also affect heat transfer, but much less than clouds. For example, “instantaneously doubling” CO2 concentrations, a 100% increase, only decreases radiation to space by about 1%. To increase solar heating of the Earth by a few percent, low cloud cover only needs to decrease by a few percent. The first half of this paper reviews observational facts about how clouds affect heat transfer. The second half gives a brief summary of the new 2n-stream radiation transfer theory for quantitatively analyzing how clouds scatter radiation incident from outside the cloud, and how they emit thermal radiation generated by their particulates.” [Boldface added]
The “new 2n-stream radiation transfer theory” needs to be carefully explored, subsequently. It goes into AMO physics. Here n is an integer of axially symmetric radiation (unchanged if the axis is rotated). What happens when light, electromagnetic energy, hits a droplet in a cloud? How does the collision scatter the energy? The work of van Wijngaarden and Happer previously presented in TWTW deals with cloudless skies. How do clouds affect the warming and cooling of Earth and the greenhouse effect?
Further, how do clouds and aerosols scatter infrared radiation?
Based on limited, historic records, principally from Europe, during the Little Ice Age, the skies were cloudy and growing seasons were short. In northern latitudes grains did not ripen, famine and diseases associated with the toxins developed in un-ripened grain were common. IPCC and its collaborators dismiss this period as a regional event. But clouds cover over 50% of the blue marble. Dismissing clouds is ignoring Earth.
Van Wijngaarden and Happer conclude their new paper with [citations omitted here]:
“In conclusion, radiative transfer theory shows that doubling the concentration of the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, for a cloudless sky only decreases radiation to space by 1%. However, clouds cover more than half the planet as shown by the iconic Blue Marble photograph in Fig. 15. An increase in low cloud cover of only about 1% could largely compensate for the doubling of CO2.[Boldface added]
2n-stream radiative transfer theory is an invaluable tool to model clouds and particulates such as aerosols that scatter infrared radiation. It is essential that accurate measurements of cloud parameters such as the single scattering albedo, optical depth and scattering phase function be made as these quantities are essential inputs into any calculation. The dependence of these parameters on infrared wavelength as well as an understanding of how they vary for clouds at different altitudes or consisting of different amounts of water droplets and ice crystals is essential for meaningful progress in climate modelling.”
This is important work in a field that the IPCC and its collaborators have attempted to suppress further research by declaring “the science is settled.” It is anything but settled. See links Challenging the Orthodoxy.
Methane and Climate: The CO2 Coalition has issued a report by van Wijngaarden and Happer, Methane and Climate. This is for a cloudless sky and uses the HITRAN database based on experiments and updated by observations using spectroscopy instruments on weather balloons and satellites. There is no finer data existing for evaluating the role of atmospheric greenhouse gases in slowing the emission of energy from Earth to space. The abstract states:
“Atmospheric methane (CH4) contributes to the radiative forcing of Earth’s atmosphere. Radiative forcing is the difference in the net upward thermal radiation from the Earth through a transparent atmosphere and radiation through an otherwise identical atmosphere with greenhouse gases. Radiative forcing, normally specified in units of W m−2, depends on latitude, longitude, and altitude, but it is often quoted for a representative temperate latitude, and for the altitude of the tropopause, or for the top of the atmosphere. For current concentrations of greenhouse gases, the radiative forcing at the tropopause, per added CH4 molecule, is about 30 times larger than the forcing per added carbon-dioxide (CO2) molecule. This is due to the heavy saturation of the absorption band of the abundant greenhouse gas, CO2. But the rate of increase of CO2 molecules, about 2.3 ppm/year (ppm = part per million), is about 300 times larger than the rate of increase of CH4 molecules, which has been around 0.0076 ppm/year since the year 2008. So, the contribution of methane to the annual increase in forcing is one tenth (30/300) that of carbon dioxide. The net forcing increase from CH4 and CO2 increases is about 0.05 W m−2 year−1. Other things being equal, this will cause a temperature increase of about 0.011 °C year−1. Proposals to place harsh restrictions on methane emissions because of warming fears are not justified by facts.”
Thus, when one accounts for the concentration of methane compared to the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and the amount of methane emitted annually; the emissions of methane from livestock and from oil and gas operations are insignificant in warming the globe. The evidence is contrary to the US EPA’s misleading claim that “Methane is more than 28 times as potent as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere.” Further, the “EPA’s Final Rule to Reduce Methane and Other Harmful Pollution from Oil and Natural Gas Operations and Related Actions” is another example of regulatory excess without physical justification. There is no reason to fear these emissions.
See links under Challenging the Orthodoxy, for EPA’s version of the importance of methane, and for EPA’s final rule on oil and natural gas operations, which is an attempt to significantly damage the industry without justification, except political ones.
Atmospheric Window: There are specific ranges of frequencies (or of wavelengths) in which incoming solar radiation and infrared radiation emitted by Earth to space pass through the atmosphere without any or with little interruption (blocking) from greenhouse gases. These are called atmospheric windows. The most pronounced one is for visible light. A smaller one exists for outgoing infrared radiation. P. Gosselin presents a paper by Japanese energy researcher Kyoji Kimoto who asserts that:
“climate models were developed by Manabe, Hansen, Cess and Schlesinger using the energy budget of the earth … with no atmospheric window.”
His point is well taken. Amusingly, without an atmospheric window, certain constrictors such as pythons which are an invasive species in the Everglades, and all pit vipers such as cottonmouths could not successfully hunt warm blooded prey. The high-water vapor content in the humid air of swamps would prevent their ability to sense the infrared radiation of their prey. See links under Challenging the Orthodoxy.
Scientific Societies: Long-time US Naval Research Laboratory scientist Wallace Manheimer has a paper expressing significant concerns of pronouncements by scientific societies on climate. The abstract of the paper states:
“The assertion that a climate crisis is rapidly approaching due to excess carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is said to be based on science. This science is summarized in the statements of the major scientific societies. These statements have motivated governments, the media, and much of the public to commit to abandoning fossil fuels, i.e., going to “net zero” at some time in the not-so-distant future, perhaps by 2050, 26 years from now. The claims of these scientific societies clearly have a profound impact on the government, the media, and the public, and therefore the scientific basis for these claims needs to be frequently and rigorously reexamined by the societies and scrutinized by the public. This paper illustrates some serious concerns regarding the claims of these societies. It is not difficult to question these claims by comparing them with actual data from well-established organizations such as NOAA and NASA. Furthermore, the claims seem to go against such well-established scientific laws as the Stefan Boltzmann radiation law, and le Chatelier’s principle. If the statements of the societies overstate the danger, or are even incorrect, they may be motivating the United States, the western world, or even the whole world to make an enormously expensive and unnecessary transition to an energy infrastructure that is more expensive, less reliable, and more environmentally damaging than the one we have today. This article suggests that these scientific societies reexamine their climate statements with the goal of making them more moderate and more scientifically correct.”
In a summary of the paper in American Thinker, Manheimer points out that many statements from societies such as American Physical Society (APS), American Meteorological Society (AMS), National Academy of Science (NAS), American Chemical Society (ACS), and American Geophysical Union (AGU) are contradicted by physical evidence. For example:
“After all, the APS statement says, ‘Multiple lines of evidence strongly support the finding that anthropogenic greenhouse gases have become the dominant driver of global climate warming observed since the mid-twentieth century.’ What will its president say when the congressman puts up a graph showing that for 30 years in the early decades of the 20th century, the warming rate was the same or greater? Or when he puts up a map proving that the northern forests, 4000 years ago extended about 200 miles further north worldwide than they do today. Or shows that 2000 years ago, the Romans had vineyards in England extending all the way to Hadrian’s wall, millennia before cold weather grapes had been developed. Or when he shows evidence that 1000 years ago the Vikings grew barley in Greenland, something not possible today. Surely this proves that the world had many warmer periods without the help of extra CO2 in the atmosphere.”
To improve the situation Manheimer suggests the societies:
- “Replace their climate statements with ones that say there is most likely an effect humans have on the changing climate, but its importance for humanity is uncertain and it is still being debated.
- Eliminate statements that are demonstrably incorrect, as shown by comparison with easily available and reliable data.
- Acknowledge in their statements that fossil fuels cannot be replaced in the next several decades without greatly endangering our civilization.
- Acknowledge in their statements that CO2 has obvious benefit for human existence, as well as potential risks.”
See links under Challenging the Orthodoxy
CO2 Regulating Temperatures? For years leaders of organizations such as NASA-GISS and NOAA have been carefully selecting data to claim that CO2 has been regulating Earth’s temperatures for millions of years. TWTW has rejected such claims by pointing out that they are not based on consistent physical evidence contiguous in the time periods covered. A new technique is now claimed to provide evidence, CO2 concentration based on boron isotopes.
In personal correspondence, meteorologist Chuck Wiese discussed significant deficiencies in such studies. The studies ignore the Hydrological Cycle (clouds, precipitation and H2O vapor) which dominates heat loss in the troposphere (lower atmosphere). John Tyndall recognized the importance of water vapor from his experiments starting in 1859 and asserted it is water vapor (not carbon dioxide) which prevents the land masses from freezing at night. The research efforts focusing on atmospheric gases as the primary cause of changing climate are misleading. The relationship between Earth and the Sun, solar variation, cloudiness, ocean heat storage, and changes in ocean currents are far more important. See links under Defending the Orthodoxy
Global Temperature Report: In their Global Temperature Report the staff at the Earth System Science Center, UAH, give a map of the changes in the lower troposphere trend from December 1978 to December 2024. Most of the lower troposphere is warming particularly in the upper latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, over part of southwest China, and a bit of Antarctica. But other parts of Antarctica are cooling. See links under Measurement Issues – Atmosphere.
Tarnished Prize: Receiving the Nobel Prize is often considered the premier scientific achievement one can receive in a lifetime. Unfortunately, it has been tarnished on occasion. The terrorist Yasser Arafat receiving the Nobel Peace Prize comes to mind. Writing in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Edward J. Calabrese & Dima Yazji Shamoun bring up another example of tarnishing the Nobel, Hermann Muller who promoted eugenics. Muller’s work gave rise to the Linear No Threshold Model and other mathematical absurdities used by the US EPA. The abstract of the paper by Calabrese and Shamoun states:
“This paper asserts that the Nobel Prize for Medicine/Physiology that Hermann J. Muller received in 1946 was a front to enhance the legitimacy, acceptance, and application of eugenics, a strategy to guide the direction and rate of human evolutionary change. Seven of the nine people nominating (1932–1946) Muller were proponents of eugenics with Muller being among the most visible of the scientific leaders. Muller’s nominators never cited his Nobel Prize research in scientific literature, lacked expertise in radiation-induced mutations, and were not qualified to evaluate Muller’s research. Muller’s claim of induced “gene” mutations with extremely high radiation dose rates remained highly uncertain, undercutting legitimate Nobel Prize consideration. Despite their diverse range of educational, research, and political backgrounds, they nominated Muller based on the convergence of their respective eugenic ideologies. The Chair of the Nobel Prize committee not only was a committed eugenicist but also nominated Muller the previous year and had invited these nominators under the belief they would support his prolonged advocacy for Muller. While the underlying intent of the nominations was to associate extremely high scientific achievement with eugenics, the Prize was ironically awarded immediately after World War II, and eugenics would be profoundly stigmatized due to its association with horrific actions against humanity by the Nazis. However, Muller’s Nobel Prize became a fear-based lightning rod for the environmental revolution, inspiring the book Silent Spring (1962), and providing the central framework for cancer risk assessment by regulatory agencies worldwide.”
The work of Muller was contradicted by the physical evidence that there were no unusual human mutations in the offspring of the survivors of the atomic bomb explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nor were there unusual human mutations in the offspring from those near Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, or other nuclear mishaps. The human body is capable of repairing small amounts of radiation damage and there are membrane barriers similar to the blood-brain barrier protecting other organs in the human body such as testes and ovaries.
Radiation physicists make an important distinction between radiation dose and dose rate. For example, a summer’s sunlight by a daily sunbather makes for a nice tan but contributes a little toward skin cancer, but all that sunlight in an hour would be fatal. However, the EPA doesn’t really seem to understand that dose is not an additive quantity in the first place. See link under Other Scientific News.
Santa Ana Winds: The climates of warm, semi-arid places such as southern California have a common characteristic: when its wet, vegetation grows; when its dry, vegetation dries. This drying is particularly severe for non-native species. California has had two wet winters in a row and its reservoirs are mostly normal. Vegetation flourished during the wet winters. However, California has what are called Santa Ana wind events.
Santa Ana winds originate with high pressure systems over the Great Basin and the upper Mojave Desert and are triggered by low pressure systems along the Pacific Coast. They bring fierce dry winds down the mountain slopes drying vegetation and driving brush fires. Fierce brush fires have been known in the Los Angeles basin probably since it was settled about 10,000 years ago. They have been recorded in English since the mid-19th century. Some years ago, meteorologists used the pressure difference between Las Vegas and Los Angeles airports to forecast Santa Ana winds.
There is nothing new occurring in the Los Angeles Basin today, except for the failure of government entities to adapt to the reality that the wind-driven fires will come. Preparations for such events must be made and government entities such as the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power have failed. Necessary water storage facilities have not been built to serve a growing population, the water supply systems are antiquated, and precautionary fire control measures such as large fire breaks and fire-resistant housing have not been implemented. Perhaps the political will may change when influential people are burnt out of wealthy neighborhoods such as Pacific Palisades (median-priced home about $3.5 million). But who knows?
The finger pointing has begun, and academics are adding to the mess. UCLA had a press release titled “Floods, droughts, then fires: Hydroclimate whiplash is speeding up globally.” However, West Coast meteorologist Cliff Mass who followed the situation showed that the National Weather Service well predicted intense Santa Ana winds. Electrical power should have been cut off in those areas most affected with weak power poles. The power was not cut. Based on aerial photographs Mass speculates that the Palisade Fire started with a failed powerline as did the disastrous Camp Fire in 2018 which killed over 80 people.
See links under Defending the Orthodoxy, Questioning the Orthodoxy and Article #1
Number of the Week: ZERO: A few years ago, the UN Environmental Programme showed off a list of financial institutions that were parties to the Net Zero Banking Alliance that included the six major banks in the US, the major world economy. Now there are zero, with the departure of JP Morgan. BlackRock, the world’s largest assent manager with US $11.5 trillion under management, has announced it is leaving. Are these funds leaving a bad investment? See links under Problems in the Orthodoxy.
Met Office Try To Shut Down Debate On Junk Temperature Measurements
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 10, 2025
Link to: Inept ‘Fact Check’ by Science Feedback Shines Further Light on U.K. Met Office’s Junk and Fabricated Temperature Measurements
By Chris Morrison, The Daily Sceptic, Jan 6, 2025
Tipping point: Zuckerberg dumps “fact-checkers”, allows immigration talk, copies X and moves team from CA to Texas
By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Jan 8, 2025
Challenging the Orthodoxy — NIPCC
Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science
Idso, Carter, and Singer, Lead Authors/Editors, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), 2013
Climate Change Reconsidered II: Biological Impacts
Idso, Idso, Carter, and Singer, Lead Authors/Editors, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), 2014
Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels
By Multiple Authors, Bezdek, Idso, Legates, and Singer eds., Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, April 2019
Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming
The NIPCC Report on the Scientific Consensus
By Craig D. Idso, Robert M. Carter, and S. Fred Singer, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), Nov 23, 2015
Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate
S. Fred Singer, Editor, NIPCC, 2008
Challenging the Orthodoxy – Radiation Transfer
The Role of Greenhouse Gases in Energy Transfer in the Earth’s Atmosphere
By W.A. van Wijngaarden and W. Happer, Preprint, Mar 3, 2023
Dependence of Earth’s Thermal Radiation on Five Most Abundant Greenhouse Gases
By W.A. van Wijngaarden and W. Happer, Preprint, December 22, 2020
Challenging the Orthodoxy
Physicists: Increasing CO2 By 100% Only Reduces Radiative Cooling To Space By An Imperceptible 1%
By Kenneth Richard, No Tricks Zone, Jan 9, 2025
Link to paper; Radiation Transport in Clouds
By W. A. van Wijngaarden and W. Happer, Klimarealistene, Science of Climate Change, 2025
Methane and Climate
By W. A. van Wijngaarden and W. Happer, CO2 Coalition, Jan 8, 2025
Link to full report: Methane and Climate
By W. A. van Wijngaarden and W. Happer, CO2 Coalition, January 2025
Japanese Scientist: The IPCC’s Climate Models Are Fundamentally Flawed, Use False Assumptions
By Kyoji Kimoto, Via P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Jan 8, 2025
Scientific Societies Err on ‘Climate Change’
By Wallace Manheimer, American Thinker, Jan 10, 2025
Link to paper: Science Societies’ Climate Statements: Some Concerns
By Wallace Manheimer, Journal of Applied Science, June 2024
Scientific Societies Misstate “Climate Change”
By Ron Clutz, His Blog, Jan 10, 2025
[SEPP Comment: Amplifies the Manheimer article, above.]
Defending the Orthodoxy
Carbon dioxide has been regulating Earth’s climate for hundreds of millions of years – new study
By Hana Junikova, The Conversation, Jan 6, 2025 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]
Our new study provides an original 80-million-year CO₂ record that tracks the climate during the descent into and emergence from the Late Paleozoic ice age. We did this by looking at the fossilized shells of ancient clam-like creatures known as brachiopods. These shells store chemical fingerprints such as boron isotopes, which enable us to calculate how much CO₂ was in the atmosphere when the brachiopods were alive.
Link to possible “New Study”: A simple, low-blank batch purification method for high-precision boron isotope analysis
By Molly D. Trudgill, et al., (Jurikova is one of the authors), University of St. Andrews, March 15, 2024
Link to study questioning this line of research: Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Based on Boron Isotopes Versus Simulations of the Global Carbon Cycle During the Plio-Pleistocene
By Peter Köhler, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, Feb 11, 2023
Floods, droughts, then fires: Hydroclimate whiplash is speeding up globally
New research links intensifying wet and dry swings to the atmosphere’s sponge-like ability to drop and absorb water
Press Release, UCLA, Jan 9, 2025 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]
Link to: Hydroclimate volatility on a warming Earth
By Daniel L. Swain, et al., Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, Jan 9, 2025
From abstract: A clearer understanding of plausible future trajectories of hydroclimate volatility requires expanded focus on the response of atmospheric circulation to regional and global forcings, as well as land–ocean–atmosphere feedbacks, using large ensemble climate model simulations, storm-resolving high-resolution models and emerging machine learning methods.
[SEPP Comment: Do these simulations include data such as the Great Flood of 1862 which dumped the water/snow equivalent of about 10 feet of water in California in 43 days and caused flooding from Sonora, Mexico to British Columbia?]
UN Climate Rapporteur: “Climate change has created impossible conditions for one of the most resilient people in the world”
By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Jan 7, 2025
From Nana Lakhani, climate justice reporter: “She [UN Special Rapporteur on climate change Elisa Morgera] said: ‘The dominating assumption in the current process assumes that mass behavioral change is the solution, that this is as much a consumer issue as a production issue – which is a misrepresentation of the causes and the solutions. We’re still not looking at deep, systemic inequalities as the root causes, while also entrenching inequities and worsening negative human rights impacts of climate change – and climate solutions.’”
From Worrall: The whole article is worth a read, a bit like doing a cryptic crossword puzzle – though I recommend tackling it after a good sleep and a strong coffee. Remember, if any of the academic UN word salad gets too challenging, you can always try translating it into Welsh.
Defending the Orthodoxy – Bandwagon Science
Climate extremes in 2024 ‘wreaking havoc’ on the global water cycle
Press Release, Australian National University, Jan 6, 2025 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]
Questioning the Orthodoxy
When Did Changing Weather Become Climate Change?
By Brian C. Joondeph, American Thinker, Jan 6, 2025
Worse than the worst thing ever
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 8, 2025
And if the north were experiencing heat and the south cold and wet, would they say that too was climate change? Of course they would, but a theory that predicts everything predicts nothing.
Why California Wildfires are NOT Climate Driven: A Historical and Meteorological Perspective
By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Jan 8, 2025
The National Weather Service Warns of a Catastrophic Windstorm in Los Angeles. Massive Preemptive Power Outages Planned
By Cliff Mass, Weather Blog, Jan 6, 2025
Did the LA Fire Disaster Have to Happen?
By Cliff Mass, Weather Blog, Jan 8, 2025
Just frustrating…. such good weather predictions and still such unfortunate outcomes. We need to do better.
Where and how did the Palisades Fire start?
By Cliff Mass, Weather Blog, Jan 11, 2025
I am going to go out on a limb here. There is strong evidence on exactly how and where the Palisade Fire started.
Why Los Angeles Is Burning
Rural California tried to warn you.
By Keely Covello, UNWON, Jan 8, 2025 [H/t Paul Homewood]
How the Indigenous practice of ‘good fire’ can help our forests thrive
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 10, 2025
Although the University of California feels obliged to partly blame climate change for wildfires, they then devote the rest of the article to the real reasons:
Two hundred years ago, someone walking through Yosemite would not have seen the densely packed forests we now associate with the Sierra Nevada.
They would have passed through broad meadows and perhaps have even been drawn to comment, as the Spanish did, on how the land appeared like a “well-tended garden.”
#LookItUp: Where to get useful climate data
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 8, 2025
Link to: National Time Series
By Staff, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Accessed Jan 8, 2025
Horse Manure, Climate Change, and Nuclear Energy
By Cliff Mass, Weather Blog, Jan 6, 2025
Extrapolating the problem, not unlike current climate activists projecting the effects of global warming during the coming century, the Times of London in 1894 predicted: “in fifty years, every street in London would be buried under nine feet of manure.” People were encouraged to travel less, avoid unnecessary trips, work at home, and collect the refuse their animals produced.
[SEPP Comment: The transition from horses to automobiles offered a much cleaner, easier to maintain, far cheaper form of transportation; the transition from internal combustion engines to EVs does not offer similar significant advantages.]
Cambridge Scientists: Climate Change Is Not The Cause Of Megafauna Extinctions
By Kenneth Richard, No Tricks Zone, Jan 6, 2025
Link to paper: The late-Quaternary megafauna extinctions: Patterns, causes, ecological consequences and implications for ecosystem management in the Anthropocene
By Jens-Christian Svenning, et al., Cambridge University Press, Mar 22, 2024
From the abstract: A broad range of evidence indicates that the megafauna extinctions have elicited profound changes to ecosystem structure and functioning. The late-Quaternary megafauna extinctions thereby represent an early, large-scale human-driven environmental transformation, constituting a progenitor of the Anthropocene, where humans are now a major player in planetary functioning.
15 questions that will put an end to the ‘climate scare’ once-and-for-all
By Ronald Stein, America Outloud News, Jan 6, 2025
Fire, Snow And A Storm Of Climate Nonsense
By I & I Editorial Board, Jan 10, 2025
If we have any real climate issue, it’s the political climate. Watching Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass go stone silent after returning from a poorly timed “official” trip to Ghana after being warned of an impending wind disaster and then hearing California Gov. Gavin Newsom pretend he has nothing to do with this disaster and its aftermath, was instructive.
Let’s make 2025 the year of climate straight-talking
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 8, 2025
No, really. We say so, being tired of unfounded hysteria about: trends in weather, preposterous claims of measuring temperature globally to two decimal places (even today let alone long ago) and absurd hype about a “green energy transition” that is transitioning us to brownout bankruptcy.
Climate Change Weekly #530 – Are Net Zero’s Days Numbered? —Heartland Comes to Europe
By H. Sterling Burnett, The Heartland Institute, Jan 10, 2025
Energy & Environmental Review: January 6, 2025
By John Droz, Jr., Master Resource, Jan 6, 2025
Social Benefits of Carbon Dioxide
The effect of increased CO2 on the biomass growth rate of carrots
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 8, 2025
From the CO2 Science archive:
Problems in the Orthodoxy
And Then There Were NONE! JPMorgan becomes last of the Big-6 U.S. banks to quit Net-Zero Banking Alliance
By Marc Morano, Climate Depot, Jan 7, 2025
[SEPP Comment: The UN Environment Programme, Financial Initiative lists the members of the Alliance.]
BlackRock departs climate investment group
By Rachel Frazin, The Hill, Jan 9, 2025
Emission Trends in Asia
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 8, 2025
Model Issues
The US needs to stop using climate model predictions in ESA [Endangered Species Act] species assessments
By Susan Crockford, Polar Bear Science, Jan 8, 2025
Measurement Issues — Atmosphere
Global Temperature Report
Earth System Science Center, The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), December 2024
Map: 2024 Lower Troposphere Anomaly
Map Dec 1978 to Dec 2024 Lower Troposphere Trend
Changing Weather
La Niña has officially started: What happens next?
By Nick Bannin, The Hill, Jan 9, 2025
Link to: Climate News
NOAA, National Weather Service, Weather Prediction Center, Jan 9, 2025
From NOAA: La Niña conditions are present and are expected to persist through February-April 2025 (59% chance), with a transition to ENSO-neutral likely during March-May 2025 (60% chance)
[SEPP Comment: Brief changes in weather have become climate? NOAA’s operational definitions require the forecast to persist for at least three months. How can NOAA forecast both a La Niña and a ENSO neutral for March and April?]]
UK Temperatures In 2024
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 5, 2025
Given such poor sitting, it is not credible that the Met Office can measure UK temperatures to a hundredth of a degree, as they ridiculously claim. If we allow for just one degree of uncertainty, temperatures in recent years are statistically indistinguishable from 20thC ones:
Decreasing trend in tropical cyclone intensity
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 8, 2025
Link to paper: Decreasing trend in destructive potential of tropical cyclones in the South Indian Ocean since the mid-1990s
By Shifei Tu, et al., Nature, Communications Earth & Environment, Sep 30, 2024
From abstract: Here we investigated changes in the destructiveness of tropical cyclones worldwide using the power dissipation index and found that there is no clear trend in most basins, but a significant decrease in power dissipation index has been detected in the South Indian Ocean basin since 1994, which is almost entirely due to a decrease in both tropical cyclone frequency and duration in this basin. The decrease in tropical cyclone frequency is influenced by increased atmospheric stability. [Boldface added]
Climate Bombshell: New Evidence Reveals 30 Year Global Drop in Hurricane Frequency and Power
By Chris Morrison, The Daily Sceptic, Jan 4, 2025
Last month a small but powerful cyclone named Chido made landfall in Mayotte before sweeping into Mozambique, causing considerable damage and leading to the loss of around 100 lives. Days after the tragedy, the Green Blob-funded Carbon Brief noted that scientists have “long suggested” that climate change is making cyclones worse in the region, while Blob-funded World Weather Attribution (WWA) at Imperial College London made a near-instant and curiously precise estimate that a Chido-like cyclone was about 40% more likely to happen in 2024 than during the pre-industrial age.
England & Wales Rainfall Trends
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 8, 2025
The data shows that rainfall is not getting more extreme in England & Wales.
Changing Climate
Holocene Optimum In Alaska
By Tony Heller, His Blog, Jan 4, 2025
The current location of the Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska was a forest 2,000 years ago.
Million-year-old bubbles could solve ice age mystery
By Georgina Rannard, BBC News, Jan 9, 2025 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]
What is probably the world’s oldest ice, dating back 1.2m years ago, has been dug out from deep within Antarctica.
Changing Cryosphere – Land / Sea Ice
Massive Recovery in Antarctica Sea Ice Unreported by Net Zero-Obsessed Mainstream Media
By Chris Morrison, The Daily Sceptic, Jan 10, 2025
Changing Earth
Volcanic Rumblings
By Willis Eschenbach, WUWT, Jan 7, 2025
[SEPP Comment: Modern temperature records do not reflect cooling from volcanoes, such as the one in 1831.]
Lowering Standards
The Climate Agenda’s March Through the Institutions: Can It Be Stopped?
By Tilak K. Doshi, WUWT, Jan 5, 2025
Non-profit organizations reflect the needs of their funding members, and organizations such as the World Bank, IPCC and IEA are no different. As their funding is primarily from the US and EU, it is not surprising that they manifest the “climate emergency” predilections of the Biden administration and the largely left-socialist West European governments which see climate change as an existential threat and a national security priority. In taking up the mantle of green advocacy on behalf of their paymasters, these organizations have lost all credibility as independent and objective advisors for their member countries.
DoE’s Gaseous Guile
By Staff, Government Accountability & Oversite, Jan 7, 2025
If you have followed the LNG “pause” scandal outed by GAO Freedom of Information Act litigation, chronicled here, you know that the Biden-Harris DoE conducted a 2023 LNG export study then buried it, then effectively lied about this with a January 2024 announcement that LNG exports to non-free trade agreement countries were being paused in order to…conduct such a study.
U.S. climate outlook for January 2025
By Mike Halpert, NOAA,, Jan 2, 2025
[SEPP Comment: For NOAA weather has become climate? Is the US climate cooling in the East while warming in the West?]
Communicating Better to the Public – Use Yellow (Green) Journalism?
Carbon Brief and The Guardian Falsely Claim Climate Change is Making Cyclones Worse
By Linnea Lueken, Climate Realism, Jan 9, 2025
Floods droughts and fires hydroclimate extremes accelerate worldwide
By Clarence Oxford, Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jan 10, 2025
[SEPP Comment: Typical ignorance of climate history where unusual becomes unprecedented.]
The frozen warming crisis
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 8, 2025
The BBC is Wrong, Individuals’ Sacrifices Will Not Save a Planet That Doesn’t Need Saving Anyway
By Linnea Lueken, Climate Realism, Jan 5, 2025
[SEPP Comment: In this new pagan religion, instead of throwing young girls into volcanoes, where should we throw them?]
Communicating Better to the Public – Exaggerate, or be Vague?
Lead pollution linked to lower IQs in Roman Empire: Study
By Zack Budryk, The Hill, Jan 6, 2025
[SEPP Comment: Unable to link to paper: It has long been known that lead smelting was common in the Roman Empire, and Romans used lead pots and pans for cooking and lead pipes for plumbing. How did the researchers test for Roman IQ?]
Communicating Better to the Public – Make things up.
Climate change is hampering US apple quality and output: Study
By Sharon Udasin, The Hill, Jan 6, 2025
Link to paper: Changing climate risks for high-value tree fruit production across the United States
By Shawn Preston, et al., Environmental Research Letters, Nov 29, 2024
[SEPP Comment: Climate has been changing for hundreds of millions of years. Now increasing the growing season is harmful?]
Communicating Better to the Public – Use Propaganda
It is as if years of corruption and a fake media are starting to unravel
By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Jan 7, 2025
Expanding the Orthodoxy
Boom Times for Privately Funded Activist Government
By Staff, Government Accountability & Oversite, Jan 10, 2025
Following up on this post, GAO wondered whether the Bloomberg Family Foundation was also financing the Climate Superfund gambit. Records do show that the Foundation pours enormous sums into groups that are involved at some level with this latest stab at imposing punitive energy taxes.
Questioning European Green
How Close Were We To Blackouts Yesterday?
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 9, 2025
It does not take a genius to work out why? We shut down more than 20 GW of reliable coal capacity and thought we could replace it with medieval technology that only works when the wind blows!
More Thoughts on Blackouts
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 9, 2025
“Interconnector owners do not control the flows under normal operations – they make capacity available and traders in the market will buy it, flowing power one way or another. This is why, as I have noted in the past, the inclusion of interconnectors in the Capacity Market is inappropriate and provides a false sense of security. Under Capacity Market rules, interconnectors must be available in a system stress event, but being available means electricity can flow, it does not mean electricity will flow to GB – the interconnector will meet the availability criteria if it is exporting.” [Boldface added]
We Are Close To Blackouts Now–But What About 2030?
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 10, 2025
It is therefore likely that daily demand will exceed 70 GW in cold weather. While pumped storage and batteries might help out for an hour or two in the early evening, they will need recharging afterwards, so will contribute nothing over 24-hour periods.
Instead, we will still need at least 70 GW of dispatchable generating capacity.
At the moment we barely have 40 GW.
Why have power prices fallen so little?
By Andrew Montford, Net Zero Watch, Jan 6, 2025
Gas prices are a major driver of electricity prices. However, although gas prices have come down a lot since the peak of the Ukraine war, electricity prices are still a long way above where we might have hoped. In real terms, bills are around £183 higher than they were in mid-2020.
Germany Already Rationing Energy…”Avoid Using Electric Appliances Until After 11 A.M.!
By P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Jan 4, 2025
Why do windfarms get the gas price?
By Andrew Montford, Net Zero Watch, Jan 8, 2025
The windfarms also need subsidy, because they might only make £70 on average, not enough to cover their full costs of £100. The mechanism here is either the Renewables Obligation or the Contracts for Difference scheme.
Net zero is driving up energy prices, admits Bank of England
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 10, 2025
Questioning Green Elsewhere
Freezing In the Dark? Report From Seven New England States Outlines “Staggering Costs” of Regional Green Energy Policies
By Mike Stenhouse, Real Clear Energy, Jan 07, 2025
Link to report: The Staggering Costs of New England’s Green Energy Policies
By Isaac Orr, Mitch Rolling, and Trevor Lewis, Always On Energy Research, September 2024
[SEPP Comment: There are six states in New England, not seven.]
No, We’re Not Insulated from Europe’s Energy Debacles
By Vijay Jayaraj, Newsmax, Jan 7, 2025
Europe’s Energy Debacle Is a Warning to the U.S.
Policymakers and renewable energy advocates have long relied on Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) as the primary metric for comparing energy sources.
However, this misleading construct benefits only hucksters.
LCOE fails to account for the massive infrastructure investments, backup generation requirements and costs for grid stabilization associated with intermittent sources.
These make the true cost of wind and solar much higher than the advertised price and destructive to the economics of businesses and households.
Litigation Issues
The Solicitor General’s Curious Case Against Judicial Efficiency
By Philip S. Goldberg, Real Clear Energy, Jan 9, 2025
When the U.S. Supreme Court meets on Friday for its first conference of the year, the justices are scheduled to discuss whether to hear objections to one of many climate lawsuits being waged against America’s energy producers. The meeting comes on the heels of last month’s Biden administration briefing urging the Court not to hear the case. Although this development was expected, what was surprising is how willingly Biden’s solicitor general acknowledged the fundamental flaw with the litigation.
The key question for all of these lawsuits—and one the Supreme Court is being asked to answer—is whether any state’s law can even govern, let alone impose liability on, the global energy market. The inescapable problem with applying a state’s law to the worldwide production, promotion and sale of energy is that nearly all of the conduct at issue in any given case will have taken place outside of that state and, therefore, is not subject to that state’s laws.
New York’s anti-fossil fuel shakedown could spread to other states
By Bonner Cohen, CFACT, Jan 3, 2025
Using state and local tort laws to replenish depleted government coffers in the name of remediating damage said to result from climate change may be a bridge too far legally. The effort suffered a setback in 2021, when the Second Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed a New York City lawsuit targeting fossil fuel producers.
Exxon sues California attorney general, environmental groups for disparaging its recycling initiatives
By Zack Budryk, The Hill, Jan 7, 2025
[SEPP Comment: A change in policy at Exxon?]
The Interests of the U.S. and the Honolulu Climate Case Before the U.S. Supreme Court
By Benjamin Zycher, WUWT, Jan 10, 2025
The term “interests of the United States” is not defined in the [Statutory Authorization] Act [of 1870], and it is obvious that any administration has an interest in keeping it undefined so as to keep its options open with respect to its future positions on legal questions that emerge.
Alaska sues Biden administration over restrictions on arctic oil, gas development
By Zack Budryk, The Hill, Jan 8, 2025
California’s Exxon Lawsuit Is Guided More By Symbols Than Actions
By Nate Scherer. Real Clear Energy, Jan 6, 2025
How Madoff’s Ponzi Beneficiaries Are Funding Climate Lawfare
By Jason Isaac, Real Clear Energy, Jan 7, 2025
Subsidies and Mandates Forever
Biden expands wind and solar tax credit to nuclear, hydropower, geothermal energy
By Rachel Frazin, The Hill, Jan 7, 2025
Under a new guidance issued Tuesday, the credit will also be able to be claimed by producers of power from sources like nuclear, geothermal, waterpower and marine wave energy.
The UK pays wind turbines for failure — so the market wants to install more failures
By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Jan 4, 2025
When failure becomes a [subsidized] commodity…
CfD Subsidies Hit Record High In 2024
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 4, 2025
Wind power accounted for £1970 million of the overall subsidy, with biomass adding a further £299 million.
Total subsidies for wind power tot up to £9.1 billion since the CfD scheme started in 2016, with biomass costing another £2.5 billion.
In short, wind power is now being subsidized to the tune of about £7 billion a year, when constraint payments are included.
5 reasons to keep tax credit for EVs
Editorial, The Times and Democrat, Los Angeles, Jan 7, 2025
Presidents of both parties have for nearly two decades supported federal incentives for cleaner vehicles. The tax credit was established in 2005 under George W. Bush as a $3,400 incentive to help offset the purchase of a fuel-efficient hybrid vehicle. In 2008 Bush signed legislation that applied it to plug-in vehicles and expanded the credit to up to $7,500.
[SEPP Comment: After two decades EVs are not popular and self-sustaining. They still need subsidies. Two decades of failure is a reason to keep the tax write-offs for the wealthy?]
EPA and other Regulators on the March
As many as 23M Americans exposed to toxic ‘forever chemicals’ via treated wastewater: Study
By Sharon Udasin, The Hill, Jan 6, 2025
Link to paper in PNAS failed, not able to find study.
Energy Issues – Non-US
Britons “Paying £2 Million an Hour” to Keep Gas Power Stations Running in Freezing Temperatures
By Will Jones, The Daily Sceptic, Jan 8, 2025
[SEPP Comment: According to the EIA, in October cost (Cents per Kilowatt hour) ranged from 28.27 in New England to 13.65 in West North Central, with Hawaii at 41.27. The average was 16.94 cents per kilowatt hour, about $170 per megawatt hour. The Rye House power station in the UK has a capacity of 715 megawatts. It was paid 1.8 million pounds per hour which works out to $2.22 million or about $3,100 per megawatt hour]
Feed in Tariffs Added £1.8 Billion To Electricity Bills Last Year
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 6, 2025
FITs are no longer accounted for in the OBR’s Environmental Levies table, even though they were until a few years ago, and even though they add to energy bills in exactly the same way as other renewable subsidies do.
[SEPP Comment: Feed-in Tariff is a subsidy to wind and solar for generating power. The scheme stopped in 2019, but the subsidies continue.]
Heat Pumps Won’t Improve EPC Ratings
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 4, 2025
The Telegraph reports that installing heat pumps won’t improve energy performance certificate (EPC) ratings. Landlords must boost their ratings to C by 2030, in order to carry on letting properties.
Energy Issues — US
California Tipping Point
By Roger Caiazza, WUWT, Jan 8, 2025
California was the first in the nation to legislate a “solution” to climate change with its AB32 Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. After fourteen years the inevitable effects of reality are getting the attention of the politicians that supported the law.
Alaska Energy Shenanigans: Eklutna Dam and the RPS (Part II: Political Highjack)
By Kassie Andrews, Master Resource, Jan 10, 2025
Link to Part I Alaska Energy Shenanigans: Eklutna Dam and the RPS (Part I: Background)
By Kassie Andrews, Master Resource, Jan 9, 2025
American Energy Powers AI
By Derrick Hollie, Real Clear Energy, Jan 8, 2025
Generational Shift—Data Centers Bring Change to Energy Landscape
By Darrell Proctor, Power Mag, Jan 7, 2025
Illinois Electricity: Subsidies, Mandates, Inflation
By Bill Peacock, Master Resource, Jan 7, 2025
Renewables can still not be counted on, while the options for grid reliability are diminishing. Government mandates, subsidies, and regulations are shutting down investment in reliable, dispatchable thermal generation from fossil and nuclear fuels.
Washington’s Control of Energy
Biden Bans Oil and Gas Drilling in Federal Waters, Striking Final Blow against U.S. Energy on His Way Out
By David Zimmermann, National Review, Jan 6, 2025
What to know about Biden’s new offshore drilling restrictions
By Rachel Frazin, The Hill, Jan 7, 2025
In 2019, a judge ruled the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act gives presidents the right to block drilling in certain areas but not to reinstate it.
Balancing U.S. LNG Export Policy With Economic and Geopolitical Realities
By Mike Roman, Real Clear Energy, Jan 9, 2025
Link to: Energy, Economic, and Environmental Assessment of US LNG Exports, DOE, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, December 2024
Now that the Biden Administration’s LNG export report has been released, a decision needs to be made on whether to lift the LNG export facility “pause.” With less than a month left in his presidency, and given Secretary Granholm’s comments, it is unlikely President Biden will lift the ban despite his own report’s true findings, a recently announced halt to Russian gas through Ukraine, and the multitude of previous analyses arguing in favor of LNG export expansion.
Oil and Natural Gas – the Future or the Past?
Companies decline to drill in Alaska wildlife refuge
By Rachel Frazin, The Hill, Jan 8, 2025
[SEPP Comment: How good were the proposed leases, were they likely to yield oil?]
Nuclear Energy and Fears
Unshackling Nuclear Energy: The Case Against the NRC’s Overreach
By Charles Rotter, WUWT, Jan 6, 2025
[SEPP Comment: From a WSJ article, “NRC Overreach on small nuclear reactors which states: ‘None of this is necessary or required under federal law, despite what the NRC claims. Reactors that can’t release dangerous radiation and university teaching tools that pose less risk than an X-ray machine shouldn’t face regulatory burdens designed for traditional nuclear power plants.’”]
Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Solar and Wind
Is Wind Power Cheaper Than Gas?
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 6, 2025
We always seem to go round in circles when we discuss this! Politicians and the wind lobby always refer to the official Levelized Costs, last published by the BEIS [Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy] in 2023, often dishonestly including Carbon Pricing in the cost of gas power, even though it is a TAX, not a COST.
We know that wind power already on the system costs considerably more than the BEIS’ optimistic calculations. But even using these for new wind farms, it is clear that CCGT is much cheaper.
[SEPP Comment: The false claim that wind power is cheaper than Combined Cycle Gas Turbine power plants is an apples-and-oranges argument. It is comparing the cost of erratic power when it works with reliable power. What is the cost when erratic power fails?]
Negative Pricing in California (surplus solar at work)
By Kennedy Maize, Master Resource, Jan 8, 2025
“The solar excess contributes to electricity rates in California that are the highest in the continental United States. Only Hawaii has higher electricity rates, a function of its isolation and need to import fuels for power generation.”
Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Energy — Other
The Many Colors of Hydrogen
By Edward Ring, What’s Current, Accessed Jan 9, 2025
f you’re following the evolution of energy technology and energy policy, you’ve probably heard hydrogen categorized using colors. They denote the various ways hydrogen is sourced. It’s become quite a list, but there are three basic (somewhat overlapping) categories: (1) extracted from water, (2) extracted or generated in other ways including from fossil fuel, or (3) naturally occurring and extracted from deposits in the earth.
A report in the Financial Times quotes experts suggesting as much as 5 trillion tons of naturally occurring hydrogen exist in underground reservoirs worldwide.
[SEPP Comment: Where are the 5 trillion tons of naturally occurring hydrogen on Earth?]
Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Energy — Storage
Grid battery cost issue storm looms in Massachusetts
By David Wojick, CFACT, Jan 7, 2025
Link to: Op-Ed: “Proposed Battery Law Costs Billions and Does Nothing”
By Laurie Belsito, Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance, Nov 8, 2024
[SEPP Comment: Even high-tech companies are going nuclear rather than wind, solar and storage, which Massachusetts politicians do not understand.]
Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Vehicles
Insane Queues For Tesla Chargers
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 6, 2025
Video – The Charging Conundrum
Health, Energy, and Climate
Analysis links fluoride exposure to low IQ but finds ‘high risk of bias’ in most studies
By Joseph Choi, The Hill, Jan 6, 2025
Link to Meta-analysis Fluoride Exposure and Children’s IQ Scores
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
By Kyla W. Taylor, et al., JAMA Pediatrics, Jan 6, 2025
Link to second Meta-analysis study: Fluoride Exposure: Neurodevelopment and Cognition
By Staff, National Toxicology Program, US DHHS, Accessed Jan 8, 2025
From the DHHS Study: It is important to note that there were insufficient data to determine if the low fluoride level of 0.7 mg/L currently recommended for U.S. community water supplies has a negative effect on children’s IQ. The NTP found no evidence that fluoride exposure had adverse effects on adult cognition.
An association indicates a connection between fluoride and lower IQ; it does not prove a cause and effect. Many substances are healthy and beneficial when taken in small doses but may cause harm at high doses. More research is needed to better understand if there are health risks associated with low fluoride exposures. [Boldface in original]
Environmental Industry
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 8, 2025
(BTW we deniers may have all the money, but Climate Central has dozens of staff and representatives of big companies on their board.)
Modern Scientific Controversies The War on Food: Part 2, What are UPFs?
By Kip Hansen, WUWT, Jan 10, 2025
[SEPP Comment: Trying to determine what, exactly, Ultra Processed Foods, are?]
Other Scientific News
The unraveling of a Nobel Prize: How Hermann Muller was awarded the Nobel Prize: A front for eugenics
By Edward J. Calabrese & Dima Yazji Shamoun, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Jan 7, 2025 [H/t Willie Soon]
Fluoride: How a Dentist’s Curiosity Turned Brown Smiles into a Public Health Win
By Chuck Dinerstein, MD, Jan 3, 2025
Other News that May Be of Interest
5 unusual causes of wildfires that will surprise you
People often start wildfires through dangerous actions: pushing a burning car into a gully, mowing the lawn on a hot day or driving with flat tires. This list reveals some of the strangest ways wildfires have ignited.
By Monica Danielle, AccuWeather, Updated Jan 8, 2025
[SEPP Comment: How many of these were initially blamed on climate change?]
Use of Artificial Intelligence in Research
By Willis Eschenbach, WUWT, Jan 4, 2025
As an amateur scientist, I am all in favor of one aspect of the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI). I employ it as the world’s fastest librarian, able to gather and summarize an amazing amount of data in a few moments.
Aussie Govt ABC: “If we want to learn to live in the Anthropocene, we must first learn how to die”
By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Jan 4, 2025
The CIA and Global Cooling
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 5, 2025
Gives the full 1974 report.
Biden creating 2 national monuments in California
By Rachel Frain, The Hill, Jan 7, 2025
Biden will officially designate the Chuckwalla National Monument and the Sáttítla Highlands National Monument — protecting a combined 848,000 acres of particular significance to Native American tribes in the region.
Claim: Global Warming will Cause a Surge in Crime
By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Jan 6, 2025
“‘extremely unlikely’ without climate change, says scientists”
By Tony Heller, His Blog, Jan 6, 2025
“Scientists” say Antarctic sea ice extent is at a record low, due to the burning of fossil fuels.
‘Two incredible extreme events’
By Tony Heller, His Blog, Jan 4, 2025
“Sea ice surrounding Antarctica is on the cusp of reaching a record winter low for a second year running, continuing an ‘outrageous’ fall in the amount of Southern Ocean that is freezing over.”
The Thing Of The Past
By Tony Heller, His Blog, Jan 8, 2025
In 2007, scientists said Mt Snowdon in Wales would be snow free by 2020
California’s Climate Time for Choosing
Sacramento tilts at reducing temperatures while its cities burn from failure to adapt to a variable climate.
By The Editorial Board, WSJ, Updated Jan. 10, 2025
TWTW Summary: The Editorial begins with:
“The Los Angeles wildfires are awful to behold, and perhaps they are bad enough to cause some rethinking by California’s political class. Instead of trying like Don Quixote to change the climate, they could spend their money on mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change.
Democrats blame the L.A. blazes on the changing climate, which is a convenient excuse as citizens rage against the failures of state and local government. The evidence doesn’t support the climate explanation since (among other reasons) California has had a dry climate and Santa Ana winds, even with hurricane-force gusts on occasion, for centuries. If the Democrats who run the state believe their own advertising, why not spend money in useful ways rather than on a green-energy transition to nowhere?
Start with water, which has become a political flashpoint after fire hydrants in the Pacific Palisades and Altadena neighborhoods ran dry. Donald Trump in particular is blaming Gov. Gavin Newsom for scrapping his first-term plan to ease fish protections to let more water flow from the north to farmers and cities in Southern California. He’s half right.
Mr. Trump has a point that Democrats in Sacramento have badly mismanaged water. The state never has enough to go around because much of the Sierra Nevada snowpack—one of the state’s largest natural reservoirs—gets flushed out to the Pacific Ocean rather than stored for dry years.
Farmers received only 50% of their allocation this past year despite two wet winters. Mr. Trump is right that the species protections he cited are largely to blame, and Democrats refuse to take on the environmental lobby.
But increasing water flows from northern California wouldn’t have helped firefighters in L.A. since the problem there was an overwhelmed local water system.
The region’s water infrastructure was built more than a century ago to fight house fires, not conflagrations like this week’s. Water tanks were filled to capacity before the fires, but three that supplied the Palisades were quickly tapped out. Huge demand caused a loss of pressure, which made it harder to pump water uphill to refill the tanks.
As a result, firefighters had to rely on massive tanker trucks—powered by good ol’ diesel fuel—to deliver hundreds of thousands of gallons of water. A nearby reservoir that was undergoing repairs might have helped maintain pressure somewhat longer had it been full. It’s also possible larger pipes and tanks could have helped firefighters at the margin.”
The editorial discusses the sprawling water system in Los Angeles and the small, recent efforts for fire control. Then it concludes with:
“The Governor’s budget last year included $2.6 billion for ‘forest and wildfire resilience’—far less than the $14.7 billion provisioned for zero-emission vehicles and its ‘clean energy’ transition. California’s $100 billion bullet train and offshore wind turbines will do nothing to prevent fires or protect communities. Rooftop solar subsidies are no consolation for people who lose their homes.
More broadly, nothing California does to subsidize EVs or punish fossil fuels will have any effect on global temperature. Its CO2 emission reductions are dwarfed by increases elsewhere, including emissions from fires. Their climate policies are pure political virtue signaling to please the climate lobby.
But the state can do more to mitigate the harm from future fires and better use its natural water supply to cope with dry years. It’s time for Democrats to choose which is more important: Their climate obsessions or citizens.”
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