The Week That Was: 2025 03-08 (March 8, 2025)
Brought to You by SEPP (
The Science and Environmental Policy Project
Quote of the Week: “Some people say, “How can you live without knowing?” I do not know what they mean. I always live without knowing. That is easy. How you get to know is what I want to know.” — Richard Feynman, The Meaning of it All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist (1998)
Number of the Week: About 0.3%%
By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)
Scope: TWTW will continue with questioning whether climate science is a physical science. TWTW begins with a lecture by professor Kees de Lange, “Natural Science and Earth’s Climate – IPCC: Facts or Fiction.” It then presents parts of an essay by Cork Hayden addressing some of the misconceptions regarding the capacity factor of various forms of electrical generation. It concludes with an essay by Roy Spencer on why EPA does not regulate water vapor, the dominant greenhouse gas which some global climate modelers claim doubles the influence of carbon dioxide on temperatures.
Facts or Fiction? Professor Cornelis A. (Kees) de Lange of the Netherlands gave a zoom presentation to the Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) and Climate Intelligence (Clintel) titled: “Natural Science and Earth’s Climate – IPCC: Facts or Fiction.” According to his CV, Professor de Lange studied physics and mathematics (Experimental physics with astronomy, mathematics and electronics), Universiteit van Amsterdam, from 1960-1966 and graduated cum laude. His Ph.D. studies were in Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Bristol (UK) and his dissertation on nuclear magnetic resonance in oriented molecules.
He was a Professor of Molecular Spectroscopy, Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, 1984-1988 and a Professor of Laser Spectroscopy, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1988 until 1 November 2004. Since then, he is Guest Professor Faculty of Science (Atomic- Molecular- and Laser Physics) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, from 2004 until present. Also, he was a member of the Senate in The Netherlands, from 7 June 2011 until 1 May 2015.
From the CV one can gather he understands Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) physics and competent in commenting on the work of William A. van Wijngaarden and William Happer in Radiation Transfer which is necessary to understand the Greenhouse Effect – how molecules in Earth’s atmosphere can be transparent to visible light yet interfere with the infrared energy emitted by Earth’s surface to space. These gases in the lower atmosphere, primarily water vapor with its phase changes, set up atmospheric convection which transports heat from the equatorial region to the polar regions. Coupled with ocean circulation, this circulation warms the temperate regions of Earth for life as we know it.
Below are some of the slides presented by Professor Kees de Lange. The boldface was in red and for easier reading the quotes are not italicized. The use of ****** will symbolize the shift from a quote to a TWTW comment and back.
“How Natural Science Works
(Slide # 3)
Natural Science (physics, chemistry) has always used reliable observations as its starting point. Making reliable observations is not always easy and is a demanding aspect of science.
Even if we have reliable observations, what do we have? We can put them in a spreadsheet, but if it stops there, we have very little of substance.
Hence, we have to develop a theory or a model, to put the observations into a pattern that helps further understanding. Such a theory or model has to explain ALL the observations, not just the ones that fit our prejudices. When it comes to complex modeling, there may be serious mathematical pitfalls. Since we are dealing with complex coupled systems of integro-differential equations, chaos theory is one of them.
Complex Modelling in Climate Science
(Slide # 4)
IPCC has remarkable things to say about climate modelling: ‘Scenarios are images of the future, or alternative futures. They are neither predictions nor forecasts. Rather, each scenario is one alternative image of how the future might unfold. A set of scenarios assists in the understanding of possible future developments of complex systems. Some systems, those that are well understood and for which complete information is available, can be modelled with some certainty, as is frequently the case in the physical sciences, and their future states predicted. However, many physical and social systems are poorly understood, and information on the relevant variables is so incomplete that they can be appreciated only through intuition and are best communicated by images and stories. Prediction is not possible in such cases.’ A correct but remarkable point of view. Not a point of view that IPCC likes to advertise to the general public.”
TWTW Comment: To demonstrate that global climate models cannot make predictions, Kees de Lange shows the Global Mid-Tropospheric Temperature Variations: Models vs. Observations, 5-Year Averages, 1979-2014 prepared by John Christy using the KNMI Climate Explorer for Model output. All but one of the averages of 102 CMIP5 model runs in 32 groupings are substantially hotter than the observations from an average of 4 balloon datasets and an average of 2 satellite datasets.
Kees de Lange shows that the IPCC recognizes that predictions are not possible from the global climate models, yet the IPCC and its collaborators act as if the projections from the models are valid scientific predictions about the future. The Secretary-General of the UN is particularly guilty of misrepresentation the validity of the models with his claims of the oceans boiling and the land flooding. Unfortunately, many established science organizations and governments have accepted these failed projections as valid scientific predictions.
In his section on Atmospheric Physics and Greenhouse gases, de Lange presents slides on Earth’s Atmosphere with the vertical logarithmic scale of altitude; and showing heights where airplanes fly, where radiosonde balloons go, and where satellites are. Also shown are features such as high-level clouds and polar lights. He also presents a graph like ones used by the IPCC on Global Energy Flows.
Then Kees de Lange discusses infrared forcing by greenhouse gases, water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone, nitrous oxide, and methane. He uses the work of William A. van Wijngaarden and William Happer, particularly “Infrared Forcing by Greenhouse Gases” 2019. This work shows the saturation effect of CO2, at current concentrations it cannot significantly influence global temperatures. This is based on the difference between the calculations for Earth from the Stephan-Boltzmann law made by Max Planck and the calculations from the Karl Schwarzschild equation. The work is for clear skies. But they have been validated by satellite observations. Kees de Lange states:
“The Schwarzschild Equation
(Slide 12)
Radiation transfer in the atmosphere is described with the Schwarzschild Equation based on well tested very reliable physics. The infrared radiation leaving the surface of the planet (heated by the sun) disappears eventually into the universe, and cools the surface, but Greenhouse gases such as CO2 delay this process.
The role of water vapor containing clouds is mostly unknown and leads to serious complications.
Increase of CO2 leads to more warming, but this increase is logarithmic, implying less and less warming at higher CO2 levels. Doubling CO2 leads to an extra forcing of ~1% of ~ 3 W m-2. Warming since 1850 ~ 1º Celsius.
How important is a small forcing of ~1 %?
(Slide 13)
A small change in some quantity may still have a large effect. Some poisonous chemicals may kill you in very small concentrations. How about a change in forcing of ~ 3 W/m2?
This number arises as the difference between 2 much larger numbers. It is the result of weighing a ship with and without the captain and subtracting these large numbers to get the weight of the captain.
To get some idea how important a change in forcing of 3 W/m2 is, consider the following: The Earth’s orbit is elliptical, and the difference in solar intensity between summer and winter is of order 91 W/m2. This makes a change of 3 W/m2 hardly life threatening.”
TWTW Comment: It is good to see the work of van Wijngaarden and Happer verified by someone in their field. TWTW relies on the work when discussing the mistaken notions about the greenhouse effect – that increasing CO2 will have disastrous consequences for life on Earth even though it is essential for photosynthesis which provides the food source for all complex life on Earth.
Kees de Lange discusses the effects of clouds and the developing Theory of Scattering in Clouds by van Wijngaarden and Happer, which includes the recently published “Radiation Transport in Clouds.” The highly mathematical work is beyond the scope of TWTW.
Kees de Lange presents evidence that climate change is a natural phenomenon in Earth’s climate system, and that CO2 is a bit player in a complex play that we do not fully understand. He then addresses the issues of Supply Energy to a Growing World Population.
(Slide 28)
Irrational CO2-phobia and the presumed role of CO2 in disastrous climate change and warming of the planet rules supreme in the Western world. This climate illusion – in which greenhouse gases and especially CO2 are considered the culprits of all evil – leads to an almost automatic link between climate and energy consumption on a global scale. Fossil fuels are thus condemned and should be abolished.
Curiously, the majority of the world population, on good scientific grounds (climate models fail, saturation prevents fatal warming, etc.), does not share this climate religion, with large geopolitical effects.
Gradually the realization gains ground that banning fossil fuels and resorting to renewables is economically disastrous and not the way to go. Energy from renewables such as sun and wind is intermittent and always requires costly back up. Back up methods that are proposed (batteries, hydrogen) have so far not shown large-scale applicability.
To provide the world’s energy Kees de Lang argues for Molten-Salt Reactors (MSR) using widely available and cheap thorium. He states:
Why Thorium MSR Nuclear Energy?
(Slide 30)
1 MSR Reactors are inherently safe,
2 Thorium is waste, widely available and cheap.
3 Virtually 100% of all thorium can be used. No enrichment needed.
4 Low pressure reactors.
5 Radioactive material [is] dissolved in a bath of molten salt.
6 Proof of principle (Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN ~1970)
7. Can be realized at relatively short notice (China, 2019-2023)
8. Waste problem (plutonium) 2 orders of magnitude less than with the uranium cycle
9. Nuclear waste from the uranium cycle can be used as neutron source in the thorium cycle
10 Cost, at least in The Netherlands, is about 2/3 due to outdated bureaucracy.
IPCC: Facts or Fiction?
(Slide 31)
That a highly complex physical system such as the Earth’s climate could be manipulated by a single CO2 control knob is as shown extremely unlikely. The fallacy to replace fossil fuel based well-tested energy generation by unreliables such as sun and wind is a ridiculously costly operation without hope of success. Fossil fueled backups must remain in place to avoid black outs, and large-scale energy storage (batteries, hydrogen) is just a dream without future.
To commit an enormous part of our economic means to unproven and unaffordable technologies as if our societies have no other priorities to deal with, is the benchmark, not of rational science, but of a pseudoscientific religion. The western world should come to its senses and turn to nuclear energy indeed.
(Slide 32)
There is no climate crisis due to Greenhouse gases.
CO2 is harmless, beneficial, causes global greening and increased agricultural production, essential for feeding a growing world population.
Net zero goals are unnecessary, impossible and economically harmful,
Renewables and their necessary back up are unsuitable to provide a growing world population with the reliable and affordable energy required to live in some comfort.
To take care of energy requirements on a global scale, nuclear energy (fission first, fusion hopefully later) is unavoidable.
The presentation by Kees de Lange fits closely to what TWTW has been advocating for years. Based on the scientific method there is no climate emergency or climate crisis. The only crisis is in the misdirected thinking of climate crisis advocates. The work of van Wijngaarden and Happer is the best on the greenhouse effect TWTW has reviewed and it meets the requirements of the scientific method. The work is validated by observations from experiments and satellites which confirm that experimental observations apply to the changing atmosphere. The world needs reliable, affordable energy which wind and solar cannot deliver. See links under Challenging the Orthodoxy – Radiation Transfer for some of the work by van Wijngaarden and Happer and Challenging the Orthodoxy for the presentation by Kees de Lange and his slides.
Reliable and Affordable Energy: As Professor Kees de Lange stated above, the world needs reliable and affordable energy. For years many developed countries have had a readily available supply, largely from nuclear, fossil fuels and hydropower. Then came environmental movements against nuclear then against fossil fuels, first coal then natural gas. Except for Canada and several other locations, hydropower has been largely maxed out. In California and elsewhere environmental movements are destroying hydropower dams without any consideration for reliable and affordable alternatives. The environmental movement has demonized reliable sources of energy and the industrial base that needs it. Who needs massive industries when you have great computers?
Now an ugly truth is rearing its head. High-tech industries, the darling of the environmental movement, need highly reliable electricity in massive quantities. Part-time electricity from wind and solar need not apply. To gloss over this truth, a great deal of misinformation is spread. In an essay, “Capacity Factor”, in The Energy Advocate posted on the SEPP website, Howard “Cork” Hayden addresses some of this misinformation. Again, it must be remembered that wind and solar are not dispatchable – cannot be reliably counted on when needed. While nuclear power, coal and natural gas-fired plants, and hydropower are dispatchable, can be counted on given adequate notice 99.99 percent of the time.
Hayden writes:
“The capacity factor is defined as the long-term (usually annual) average amount of power produced compared to the nameplate power. Nuclear power stations operate at about 92% capacity factor; their job is to provide baseload power, and stability is best achieved with steady power output.
By contrast, hydro power stations are overbuilt. They can provide massive amounts of power for periods of high demand. As they do so, the water level behind the dam runs down, but will return to the high level during the hours after the turbines are shut off. For example, the capacity factor of Hoover Dam is only 23%, while that of Grand Coulee Dam is 36%. Natural gas plants can cycle power up and down fairly rapidly—many go from zero to full power in 15 minutes—so they are used for base power (combined-cycle units with 60% efficiency) as well as for load-chasing—keeping line voltage steady while demand fluctuates.
The capacity factor for solar is determined by location and weather. Set up some solar panels facing the noonday sun, and you get a few hours of almost full power and the rest of the time low power or none at all. That the capacity factor for US solar photovoltaics is 24.6% tells us that solar panels have been placed in very favorable locations.
The capacity factor of wind turbines is a matter of engineering. You can get any value you want from 0% (huge generator driven by tiny wind turbine) to 100% (tiny generator turned by giant wind turbine). In the 1970s, the decision was to settle on a capacity factor of 20%, largely because they could advertise that their devices produced a lot of power (typically 100 kW or 200 kW at the time). Later, the engineering compromise was to design systems around a capacity factor of 35% was based on more sensible economics.”
The solar map and the capacity factor by energy source are omitted here. Absurdly, the politicians in New York State are attempting to establish a solar center near Buffalo, a far from favorable location. Hayden continues:
“Efforts to Make Unreliable Energy Reliable
It all sounds so simple. Store energy when the sun shines and/or the wind blows and use it when you need it.
There are four generic ways to store energy: mechanical, thermal, chemical, and electrical.
Pumped-hydro is the classic energy-storage routine. When there is excess electricity available, pumps move water from a lower reservoir to an upper one where it is stored behind a dam. When more electricity is needed, the water is released through turbines. This system has been used for many years—where the system is feasible—to supplement conventional power for a few hours per day when demand is high.
I have seen proposals to use excess electricity from wind turbines to lift weights up the towers to accomplish the same task. A 10,000 kg (ca. 11 tons) block elevated 100 meters (330 feet) has a potential energy of 107 joules, equivalent to 2.8 kWh. That’s enough to replace one megawatt of the turbine for a whopping 10 seconds.
The Ivanpah project in the Mojave Desert consisted of a huge array of 350,000 computer-controlled mirrors that reflect sunlight onto absorbers on towers to produce electricity with steam generators. They store excess energy as heat in molten salt. Financially, Ivanpah can’t compete with solar-PV installations, so its contracts are being cancelled:
‘Pacific Gas & Electric said in a statement it had agreed with owners — including NRG Energy Inc. — to terminate its contracts with the Ivanpah plant. If approved by regulators, the deal would lead to closing two of the plant’s three units starting in 2026. The contracts were expected to run through 2039.’”
Hayden goes through chemical schemes and batteries. The bottom line is that storage systems are not easy to build and maintain and are expensive! See link under Challenging the Orthodoxy.
Why Not Water Vapor? In a post, Roy Spencer writes: “Hey, EPA, Why Not Regulate Water Vapor Emissions While You are At It?” He states:
“Some Background
I will admit that the legal profession mystifies me. Every time I say anything related to environmental law, one or more lawyers will correct me. But I suppose ‘turnabout is fair play’, since I will usually correct any lawyers about their details describing climate change science.
Lawyers aren’t like us normal people. Their brains work differently. I first suspected this when one of my daughters took the LSAT and gave me examples of questions, most of which my brain was not wired to answer correctly. I became further convinced of this when she went to law school, and told me about the questions they deal with, how lawyers can impress judges just by being novel in their arguments, etc.
I know I could never be a lawyer (even after staying at a Holiday Inn Express), and I never even played one on TV. But I did co-author a paper in Energy Law Journal (relating to the Daubert Standard) on my view that science cannot demonstrate causation in any rigorous way in the theory of human-caused climate change.
Regulating CO2: Is the EPA Really Trying to Help Us?
The regulation of CO2 emissions (and some other chemicals) by the EPA has also mystified me. However, many of the EPA’s ~185 lawyers worked on the 2009 Endangerment Finding, they must have known that regulating CO2 emissions from U.S. cars and light-duty trucks would have no measurable impact on global climate, including sea level rise (which was a major argument in Massachusetts v. EPA).
But apparently actually trying to ‘fix’ the climate ‘problem’ is not the EPA’s concern.
Their reason for existence is to regulate pollutants (and it doesn’t matter if Nature produces far more of a ‘pollutant’ than people produce). And once they start regulating it, they won’t stop with certain thresholds. They will keep lowering the threshold. This keeps everyone in jobs.”
After discussing some personal experiences on the subject Spencer concludes with [Italics in original are boldfaced]:
“So Why Hasn’t Water Vapor Been Regulated?
Clearly, it’s not because water vapor is ‘necessary’ to the functioning of the Earth system, since CO2 is necessary for life on Earth to exist. Which brings me back to my question, is the EPA really trying to help us when it comes to climate-related regulation?
I’m increasingly convinced that science has been hijacked in an effort to (among other motives) shake down the energy industry. This has been planned since the 1980s. It makes no difference that human flourishing depends upon energy sources which are abundant and affordable. It doesn’t matter how many people are killed in the process of Saving the Earth. The law demands regulation, and that’s all that matters.
I have evidence. In the early 1990s I was at the White House visiting Al Gore’s environmental advisor, Bob Watson, an ex-NASA stratospheric chemist who was just coming off the successful establishment of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. He told me (as close as I can recall), ‘We succeeded in regulating ozone-depleting chemicals, and carbon dioxide is next’.
Keep in mind this was in the early days of the IPCC, which was tasked to determine whether humans were changing the climate with greenhouse gas emissions. Their work was just getting started, including the scientists who would assist the process. But the regulatory goal had (wink, wink, nod, nod) already been established.
So, I don’t believe the EPA is actually trying to help Americans when it comes to climate regulation. I’m sure many of their programs (waste cleanup, helping with the Flint, MI water problem, and some others) are laudable and defensible.
But when it comes to regulation related to global climate (or even local climate, as the government tries to pack even more people into small spaces, e.g. with ‘15 minute cities’), my experience increasingly tells me no one in the political, policy, regulatory, legal, or environmental advocacy, side of this business really cares about the global climate. Otherwise, they would admit their regulation (unlike, say, regulating the precursors to ground-level ozone pollution in cities) will have no measurable impact. They wouldn’t be trying to pack people into urban environments which we know are 5-10 deg. F hotter than their rural surroundings.
It’s all just an excuse for more power and vested interests.”
Whatever the reason EPA declared that greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, endanger public health and welfare, it is not physical science. See link under Challenging the Orthodoxy.
Number of the Week: About 0.3%% Willis Eschenbach came across a strange paper “Impact of land use changes and global warming on extreme precipitation patterns in the Maritime Continent.” Not knowing what the Maritime Continent was he proceeded to find out that it consists of Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Timor, and New Guinea. These are in the Pacific Warm Pool, some of the warmest water on Earth with some of the highest rainfalls on Earth. The area consists of about 0.3% of Earth’s surface. Yet the paper in Nature, Climate and Atmospheric Science attempts to extrapolate what was found there to Earth’s entire surface?
Challenging the Orthodoxy — NIPCC
Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science
Idso, Carter, and Singer, Lead Authors/Editors, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), 2013
Climate Change Reconsidered II: Biological Impacts
Idso, Idso, Carter, and Singer, Lead Authors/Editors, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), 2014
Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels
By Multiple Authors, Bezdek, Idso, Legates, and Singer eds., Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, April 2019
Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming
The NIPCC Report on the Scientific Consensus
By Craig D. Idso, Robert M. Carter, and S. Fred Singer, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), Nov 23, 2015
Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate
S. Fred Singer, Editor, NIPCC, 2008
Challenging the Orthodoxy – Radiation Transfer
The Role of Greenhouse Gases in Energy Transfer in the Earth’s Atmosphere
By W.A. van Wijngaarden and W. Happer, Preprint, Mar 3, 2023
Dependence of Earth’s Thermal Radiation on Five Most Abundant Greenhouse Gases
By W.A. van Wijngaarden and W. Happer, Preprint, December 22, 2020
Radiation Transport in Clouds
By W.A. van Wijngaarden and W. Happer, Klimarealistene, Science of Climate Change, January 2025
Challenging the Orthodoxy
Climate Crusade Is a Dead End
By Ron Clutz, His Blog, Mar 1, 2025
From: Nature Science and the Earth’s Climate. IPCC: Facts or Fiction?
By Cornelis A. (Kees) de Lange, ICSF and Clintel, Feb 26, 2025
Climate Scare Based on Lies
By Ron Clutz, Text and commentary on Interview with Prof. William Happer – Climate Scare Is Based on Lies, Mar 3, 2025
Link to EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Prof. William Happer – Climate Scare Is Based on Lies
“There is really no threat from increasing CO2 or any of the other minor greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It’s all a made-up scare story.”
By Hannes Sarv, His Blog, Feb 26, 2025
Capacity Factor
By Howard “Cork” Hayden, The Energy Advocate, February 2025 Factor.docx
Hey, EPA, Why Not Regulate Water Vapor Emissions While You are At It?
By Roy Spencer, His Blog, Mar 3, 2025
The Case For Ending Government Funding of Science
By William Briggs, His Blog, Mar 4, 2025 [H/t Ron Clutz]
Will Net Zero Reduce Electricity Costs in 2030?
By Gordon Hughes, Net Zero Watch, Mar 3, 2025
In this short paper, the eminent economist Professor Gordon Hughes presents the results of a new model of the electricity system in 2030, showing that it will deliver power that is vastly more expensive than a counterfactual system similar to today’s grid.
Defending the Orthodoxy – Bandwagon Science
Building Lower-Carbon Industry Is About Future-Proofing Our Economy
By Charles McConnell, Simon Lomax, Real Clear Energy, Mar 5, 2025
Link to report: COP28: Governments with huge global buying power double down on their commitment to buy green steel, cement and concrete
By Staff, UNIDO (Industrial Decarbonization, Dec 5, 2023
[SEPP Comment: How do you future-proof the economy against another glaciation?]
New Scientist: CO2 Emissions have Delayed the Next Glacial Period
By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Mar 2, 2025
Link to paper: Distinct roles for precession, obliquity, and eccentricity in Pleistocene 100-kyr glacial cycles
By Stephen Barker, AAAS Science, Feb 28, 2025
Questioning the Orthodoxy
The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time — Part XXXIII
By Francis Menton, Manhattan Contrarian, Mar 1, 205
Link to paper: Evaluation of the Homogenization Adjustments Applied to European Temperature Records in the Global Historical Climatology Network Dataset
By Peter O’Neill, R. Connolly, M. Connolly, W. Soon, et al., Atmosphere, Feb 8, 2022
One of the areas where disruption appears to be hitting is an agency called NOAA — the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which is a part of the Department of Commerce. NOAA is the place where the world and U.S. temperature data are collected and compiled — and altered.
[SEPP Comment: The US temperature history was the gold standard for surface-air temperatures for a large area of the globe. Now it is worthless, and it is unlikely that original recordings can be restored. Often there has been no control period to assure the adjustments were justified and verified.]
Top 10 Catastrophic Climate Predictions That Failed
Environmental freaks have warned of global apocalypse for decades
By Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon, Mar 6, 2025
Lord Mackinlay New GWPF Director
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Mar 7, 2025
“tropical paradise”
By Tony Heller, His Blog, Mar 3, 2025
Link to paper: Palm phytoliths in subarctic Canada imply ice-free winters 48 million years ago during the late early Eocene
By Peter A Siver, et al., Annals of Botany, Feb 10, 2025
From Heller: Large amounts of warming in the past were a “paradise” – but small amounts of warming now are “an existential threat.”
“New study reveals Canada’s subarctic was once a tropical paradise”
New Study Casts Doubt On The Accuracy And Reliability Of The Modern And Paleo CO2 Record
By Kenneth Richard, No Tricks Zone, Mar 4, 2025
Link to paper: Pitfalls in Global Warming and Climate Change Research: Flaws in Ice Core Reconstructions of Atmospheric CO2 – The Naked King of 280 ppm at the Industrial Revolution
By Dai Ato, Science of Climate Change, Accepted Feb I, 2025
New Study Finds No Net Warming In Central Scandinavia For The Last 270 Years
By Kenneth Richard, No Tricks Zone, Mar 7, 2025
Link to paper: A Norway spruce Blue Intensity summer temperature reconstruction from the Central Scandinavian Mountains
By Fredrik Karlsson, et al., Dendrochronologia, April 2025
The Resistance To Climate Alarmism Grows
By I & I Editorial Board, Mar 3, 2025
Let us muddy the climate waters even more by mentioning that the concept of a “global temperature” is “thermodynamically as well as mathematically an impossibility.”
Professor: We Need a “Me Too” Movement to Expose Climate Liars
By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Mar 4, 2024
Mike Berners-Lee wrote “There is no Planet B” and a bunch of other climate crisis books, so I think it’s fair to describe him as a bit of a fixture in the radical environmental movement.
Tectonic Political Shifts Have Made The Climate Issue Virtually Irrelevant (For Now)
By P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Mar 5, 2025
Energy & Environmental Review: March 3, 2025
By John Droz, Jr., Master Resource, Mar 3, 2025
After Paris!
But you said the science was settled
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Mar 5, 2025
Donald Trump’s latest and most evil sin against the climate, apparently, is that he “could be derailing a major global climate report”. And we all know how much we need another one of those doorstoppers. Though oddly the document in question is the next IPCC Assessment Report, AR7 to the cognoscenti. And as we’ve pointed out on a number of occasions, the number of people who claim the IPCC supports their own hysterical position on climate is a great deal higher than the number who actually read its technical material and realize it does not.
Paris shmaris
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Mar 5, 2025
One important justification for this rapt inattention is that under the [Paris] Agreement, countries set their own targets and are under no obligation to meet them. And when people not only get to grade their own work, but to write their own exam questions, the results tell you little about their accomplishments and much about human frailty.
Change in US Administrations
Driving a Stake Through Stakeholder Capitalism
By Rupert Darwall, Real Clear Energy, Mar 4, 2025
Writing shortly before President Trump’s return to the White House, Peter Thiel hailed the election as an apokálypsis, an unveiling, of the ancien régime’s secrets. “The new administration’s revelations need not justify vengefulness,” Thiel wrote. “But for reconciliation, there must first be truth.”
Social Benefits of Carbon Dioxide
The social cost of (leaving out the) carbon
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Mar 5, 2025
The bottom line is CO2 is good for crops, as sensible people always knew. And that scientivists do strange things with data in the presence of it.
The effect of increased CO2 levels on climbing nightshade
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Mar 5, 2025
Problems in the Orthodoxy
China’s New Coal Plant Construction Highest Since 2015
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Mar 1, 2025
Link to report: When coal won’t step aside: The challenge of scaling clean energy in China
By Staff, The Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air, Feb 13, 2025
Seeking a Common Ground
Will the Key Weather and Climate Facility in the United State be Sold Off?
By Cliff Mass, Weather Blog, Mar 5, 2025
NOAA plays a crucial role in collecting weather and climate data, ocean and atmospheric research, and predicting weather and ocean conditions. Although essential, NOAA needs reform, particularly in dealing with an ineffective bureaucracy and loss of innovation.
Model Issues
Causes of Differences in the Tropical Pacific SST Warming Pattern Projected by CMIP6 Models
By Jun Ying, et al., Advance in Atmospheric Sciences, Mar 5, 2025 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]
The inter-model difference in the tropical Pacific SST warming pattern is a big stumbling block for reliable projections of global climate change. Here by conducting an inter-model Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis as well as an ocean mixed-layer heat budget, we find that the first two modes of inter-model difference in the SST warming pattern projected by 30 CMIP6 models, explaining more than three-quarters of the total inter-model variance, are both tied to different cloud–radiation feedbacks.
Measurement Issues — Atmosphere
UAH v6.1 Global Temperature Update for February, 2025: +0.50 deg. C
By Roy Spencer, His Blog, Mar 3,2025
The Version 6.1 global area-averaged linear temperature trend (January 1979 through February 2025) remains at +0.15 deg/ C/decade (+0.22 C/decade over land, +0.13 C/decade over oceans).
Changing Weather
Thank goodness Climate Change is reducing the number of cyclones…
By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Mar 5, 2025
It’s not often a cyclone heads straight for a big population center in Australia, and the media is running minute by minute updates:
Cyclone Mahina
By Tony Heller, His Blog, Mar 3, 2025
“Cyclone Mahina was a devastating tropical cyclone that struck Bathurst Bay, Cape York Peninsula, in colonial Queensland, Australia, on March 4, 1899. It remains the deadliest cyclone in recorded Australian history, with estimates of over 300 deaths, though the exact number is uncertain due to incomplete records….
Some Climate History, Including on Cyclones Making Landfall as Far South as Brisbane
By Jennifer, Marohasy, Her Blog, Mar 7, 2025
The most extreme cyclone to hit Queensland, Tropical Cyclone Mahina, was arguably the world’s most intense with a central pressure recorded at 880 hectopascals, a 12-metre storm surge, and 300 kilometre per hour winds. It was named, by Queensland government meteorologist, Clement Wragge. That was in 1899 – 126 years ago.
Winter Weather Trends
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Mar 7, 2025
After what seems to have been three months of weather and flood warnings day after day, it turns out that the winter in this country was not unusual in the least. It was cooler than in was a hundred years ago in 1925, and actually drier than average:
Agriculture Issues & Fear of Famine
Wrongheaded Judicial Ruling Jeopardizes the Future of U.S. Gene-Edited Crops
By Henry I. Miller and Drew L. Kershen, ACSH, Mar 4, 2025
Over the years, USDA has tried (albeit painfully slowly) to move from an ossified process-focused regulatory approach to a more product-based one — a progressive, science-based evolution – but that has now been torpedoed by Judge Donato. If it stands, his opinion will encourage distrust, misinformation, and obscurantism about science and agriculture, and will discourage innovation.
[SEPP Comment: The photos comparing modern corn with the weed it came from are illustrative of how human intervention made corn a major food crop. We wonder how many genes have been altered since wolves were turned into corgis, chihuahuas, collies, cocker spaniels, poodles, and all the other dog species.]
Lowering Standards
CCC’s Carbon Budget Does Not Add Up
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Mar 2, 2025
As promised, an in depth look at the Seventh Carbon Budget, which runs from 2038 to 2042.
And let’s not fool ourselves that this would be merely switching demand from 5pm to 7pm, or even night. With the DSR already built into the FES, charging of EVs at night, spreading out heat pump loads and so on, daily demand in cold weather would probably range from about 80 GW to 100 GW. In other words, even at times of lowest demand, there would not be enough supply, and certainly no surplus to recharge batteries and other forms of storage.
DESNZ Caught Lying About Renewable Costs
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Mar 7, 2025
In the GB News report yesterday, “Energy bills set to soar by £900 a year due to net zero push, experts warn”, which covered Gordon Hughes’ work, there was this response from DESNZ:
“A Department for Energy Security and Net Zero [DENZ] spokesperson said: “We wholly reject these findings, which are fundamentally incorrect on what has driven higher energy prices….”
Outstanding BBC Complaints
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Mar 7, 2025
If the BBC have trouble answering complaints, it appears they just ignore them!
Communicating Better to the Public – Use Yellow (Green) Journalism?
Why Isn’t the Mainstream Media Reporting that Ocean Circulation Is Doing Well?
By Anthony Watts, Climate Realism, Feb 28, 2025
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation is not collapsing, is not slowing catastrophically, and is not about to trigger an Ice Age. The latest scientific research confirms what observational data has shown for decades: AMOC variations are natural, and there is no impending crisis. [Emphasis in original]
It’s a 100% flip: Reuters suddenly admits Net Zero policies have been a resounding failure
By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Mar 1, 2025
Gordon Hughes On Net Zero In The Telegraph
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Mar 7, 2025
Following the GB News report on Gordon Hughes’ work on Net Zero, he now has a full article in the Telegraph:
The Times, They Aren’t Never A-Changin’
By I & I Editorial Board, Mar 6, 2025
Wrong, PBS, Real-World Data Doesn’t Show That a Climate Crisis Is Happening
By Anthony Watts and H. Sterling Burnett, Climate Realism, Mar 5, 2024
WSJ Energy Feature Errant, Politically Obsolete (Sheridan rebuts)
By Robert Bradley Jr., Master Resource, Mar 4, 2025
[SEPP Comment: A more detailed rebuttal of an article mentioned in last week’s TWTW– “The Clean Energy Revolution is Unstoppable.”]
Communicating Better to the Public – Exaggerate, or be Vague?
The Rain In Spain Stays Mainly The Same
By Willis Eschenbach, WUWT, Mar 2, 2025
Link to paper: Impact of land use changes and global warming on extreme precipitation patterns in the Maritime Continent
By Jie Hsu, et al., Nature, Climate and Atmospheric Science, Jan 7, 2025
This would tend to indicate that no matter what they discovered by aiming their models at the 0.3% of the planet that is the Maritime Continent, their conclusions are not widely applicable to the rest of the planet.
Communicating Better to the Public – Make things up.
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Mar 5, 2025
From the “nothing it cannot do” and “we are all going to die” files combined, Grist warns us of “What climate change means for bird flu – and the soaring price of eggs/ Extreme weather is shifting the migratory patterns of birds, increasing the chances of deadly avian flu outbreaks on farms.” Because there never were epidemics before climate change struck in whenever it was. Unless you count the 15 recorded ones in the U.S. between 1959 and 1995, for instance.
Questioning European Green
Net Zero to Blame for UK’s Productivity Crisis and Making Families Poorer, Say Economists
By Sallust, The Daily Sceptic, Mary 4, 2025
Questioning Green Elsewhere
False Pretense of Energy Transition: Long on Facts, Short on Truth
By Gordon Tomb, CO2 Coalition, Mar 3, 2025
Link to: The Troubled Energy Transition: How to Find a Pragmatic Path Forward
By Daniel Yergin, Peter Orszag, and Atul Arya, Foreign Affairs, Feb 25, 2025
We won’t guess why such credentialed writers would overlook these well-established facts while perpetuating the false premise of a decades-long disaster in public policy. But there is no “pragmatic path forward” for a sham energy transition, and the authors should know better.
They Fought The Carbon And The … Carbon Won
By Willis Eschenbach, WUWT, Mar 5, 2025
The “Clean Energy” Collapse: Hedge Fund Manager Declares the Obvious
By Charels Rotter, WUWT, Mar 5, 2025
Non-Green Jobs
Scotland’s Last Oil Refinery to Close – Giving the Lie to Miliband’s Net Zero Jobs Claim
By Will Jones, The Daily Sceptic, Mar 6, 2025
Funding Issues
CCN Moan About Efficiency Savings At NOAA
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Mar 7, 2025
You may recall that CCN is a far-left lobby group for the climate agenda.
The Climate United Fund Outrage: $7 Billion in Taxpayer Money Squandered in a Sham of Transparency and Accountability
By Charles Rotter, WUWT, Mar 6, 2025
DOGE Hones In On Shady Climate “Popup NGO Shell” That Received Billions From Biden
By Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, Mar 6, 2025 [H/t Bernie Kesphire]
Climate Change Weekly # 536 — Budget-Busting Climate Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act Must Go
By H. Sterling Burnett, Heartland Institute, Mar 7, 2025
The Political Games Continue
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Mar 5, 2025
Litigation Issues
Breaking: A Victory for Free Speech: Mark Steyn’s $1 Million Judgment Slashed to $5,000 in Landmark Climate Case
By Charles Rotter, WUWT, Mar 4, 2025
Supreme Court sides with San Francisco on EPA water discharge rules
By Zack Budryk, The Hill, Mar 4, 2025
The ruling marks the court’s first ruling on a case pertaining to EPA authorities since it struck down the long-standing Chevron doctrine, which held that federal agencies rather than courts have broad latitude in interpreting ambiguities in the language of the law.
Cap-and-Trade and Carbon Taxes
Europe’s Carbon Market: A Tax on Survival Disguised as Climate Policy
By Charles Rotter, WUWT, Mar 7, 2025
Subsidies and Mandates Forever
Rampion Wind Farm Has Been Paid £895 Million In Subsidies
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Mar 6, 2025
EPA and other Regulators on the March
SEC’s Climate Risk Disclosure Rule Would Compel Companies to Make Scientifically False and Misleading Disclosures
By Stone Washington, William Happer, Real Clear Energy, Mar 5, 2025
Link to: Comment and Declaration on the SEC’s Proposed Rule “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors,”
By William Happer and Richard Lindzen, File No. S7-10-22, 87 Fed. Reg. 21334 (April 11,2022)
From article: As to costs, the SEC’s own numbers found that the proposed rule would increase annual compliance costs from $3.8 billion to $10.2 billion, a $6.4 billion rise — more than all the accumulated SEC disclosure rules’ costs from SEC’s initiation in the 1930s to date – combined. Even though the final rule’s cost is less, the numbers indicate the order of magnitude.
The science is complex, but the scientific conclusion is simple. At today’s level of about 400 parts per million (ppm) and higher, large increases of carbon dioxide will cause negligible warming of the Earth.
The well-established theory of atmospheric heat transfer allows computing what happens when carbon dioxide’s concentration in the atmosphere increases, for example, doubling from today’s approximately 400 ppm to 800 ppm.
As to temperature, the result would be only a minuscule effect on temperature because carbon dioxide is now, and at higher levels, a weak greenhouse gas.
[SEPP Comment: What if the current warming is a Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) Event and the general trend is cooling?]
Trump Strikes at the Heart of the Climate Change Agenda by Attacking CO2 ‘Pollution’ Claim
By Chris Morrison, The Daily Sceptic, Mar 2, 2025
Trump Is On The Verge Of Ending The EPA’s Tyranny
By S. David Sultzer, American Thinker, Mar 5, 2025
Trump administration drops suit that sought to cut toxic emissions in ‘Cancer Alley’
By Rachel Frazin, The Hill, Mar 7, 2025
Chloroprene is a chemical that’s used in the production of neoprene, a material that is used to make wetsuits, hoses and adhesives. The EPA considers chloroprene to be a likely carcinogen.
When it filed the lawsuit, the EPA said that Denka’s emissions of chloroprene posed “an imminent and substantial endangerment” to public health.
[SEPP Comment: What physical evidence did the EPA produce? Sunlight is a known carcinogen, Should it be banned from the US?]
Energy Issues – Non-US
#LookItUp: World energy consumption
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Mar 5, 2025
Link to: Statistical Review of World Energy, 2024
By Multiple authors, Energy Institute, 2025
From Robson: So clearly, and despite all the money and propaganda being thrown at unreliable renewables, people had the good sense to rely mostly on the stuff that works.
The graphs are very colorful, except for the coal one which is somber black and gray:
Seventh Carbon Budget–Final Thoughts
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Mar 3, 2025
Holidays abroad in a few years’ time, along with much of our lives, will be controlled by the government.
Energy bills set to soar by £900 a year due to net zero push–GB News
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Mar 6, 2025
Energy Issues — US
Extreme Power Plant Fear Mongering
By Roger Caiazza, WUWT, Mar 2, 2025
Link to report: A Community Assessment of Health Impacts from the Pittsfield Generating Facility on Local Communities: Prepared on behalf of the Massachusetts Clean Peak Coalition
By Jordan Burt, et al., Applied Economics Clinic, February 2025
AI revolution: So big, Texas grid needs the equivalent of 30 Nuclear Reactors By 2030 to meet Power Demand
By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Mar 7, 2025
The world is about to flip from an energy diet to an electrical boom. Look at Texas.
The AI Age Begins: Texas ERCOT Slammed with 99GW of New Energy Demand
By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Mar 7, 2025
American Energy Dominance Is Sparked in Louisiana
By Aurelia S. Giacometto, Real Clear Energy, Mar 5, 2025
Washington’s Control of Energy
Pipelines to Prosperity: The Untold Story of the American Energy Industry Pipeline Companies’ Investments in American Communities
By Jason Isaac, Real Clear Energy, Mar 6, 2025
Pipelines are easily the safest and most efficient method of transporting oil and natural gas. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, pipelines move over 99.999% of their shipments safely, a number unmatched by other transportation methods. While opponents of fossil fuels attempt to block pipeline development, they ignore the reality that a robust and modern pipeline network is essential to delivering affordable, reliable energy to homes and businesses across the country.
Return of King Coal?
The Coal Fleet Can Underpin the Energy Abundance Agenda
By Rich Nolan, Real Clear Energy, Mar 6, 2025
Utilities are already answering the call, cancelling planned coal plant retirements across the country from Georgia to Indiana to Utah and Wyoming. But federal action to not only preserve the fleet but make greater use of it is what is needed in this energy emergency.
Nuclear Energy and Fears
Small Modular Reactors will benefit developing economies
By Ronald Stein Robert Jeffrey and Olivia Vaughan, America Outloud News, Mar 3, 2025
Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Solar and Wind
FERC Report Card
By Stephen Haner, WUWT, Mar 3, 2025
Link to letter from the new Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Mark Christie to Office of Personal Management for information regarding work completed in the previous week:
Dated Feb 27, 2025
Included in the letter: (3) Reliability standards under section 215 of the Federal Power Act, including:
a. Issued two orders approving new reliability standards to improve the reliability of electric service for consumers: the first established new mandatory performance requirements for inverter-based resources; the second approved new reliability standards for planning the bulk electric system during expected extreme heat and cold events.
From Haner: Note: Inverter-based resources would be mostly solar projects. FERC just set mandatory standards for solar farm performance.
Northwest Europe Power Prices Plunge Below Zero on Strong Solar Output
By Charles Kennedy, Oil, Mar 03, 2025 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]
[SEPP Comment: For how long?]
Solar on the Rocks: Sunnova stock falls 70% — warns of bankruptcy “Overall environment is terrible”
By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Mar 6, 2024
Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Energy — Other
BP Scrap Major Hydrogen Plans For Teeside
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Mar 7, 2025
BP have clearly decided there is no future investing in projects which are totally reliant on government subsidy to be viable.
California Dreaming
California’s Newsom Finally Bows to Trump’s Forest Wisdom – And It’s About Time!
By Charles Rotter, WUWT, Mar 4, 2025
A Very Wet California
By Cliff Mass, Weather Blog, Mar 3, 2025
Seattle will be drier than LA…think about that.
But there is a major concern. Substantial late winter precipitation leads to bountiful growth of chaparral vegetation, which can enhance the potential for wildfire later in the year. The past few years have had wet winters, which contributed to the huge fires around Los Angeles.
[SEPP Comment: Will California clear bountiful chaparral vegetation? See link immediately above.]
Comprehensive Energy Policy Recommendations Released
By Edward Ring, What’s Current, Accessed Mar 6, 2025
California’s current energy strategy is a path to poverty and micromanaged energy insecurity. It is reckless and unrealistic to reject or restrict practical solutions such as clean natural gas and nuclear power, or to destroy our in-state oil industry while tacitly acknowledging that the shortfall will just be made up with imports.
Other News that May Be of Interest
Is Some Honesty About To Come To Government Economic Statistics?
By Francis Menton, Manhattan Contrarian, Mar 4, 2025
In a wide-ranging interview on Fox Business on Sunday (March 2), new Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick said [from NYT]:
“You know that governments historically have messed with G.D.P.,” he said. “They count government spending as part of G.D.P. So, I’m going to separate those two and make it transparent.”
[SEPP Comment: GDP has well recognized problems including value of non-market activities, environmental damage, quality changes, etc. Other issues include government subsidizing unreliable, unneeded energy generation, such as wind and solar.]
More On Counting Federal Spending As A Full-Value Addition To GDP
By Francis Menton, Manhattan Contrarian, Mar 7, 2025
So, I wish Mr. Lutnick the best of luck in his effort to reform the reporting of economic statistics by the Commerce Department to better reflect underlying economic reality. No system will be perfect, but the changes I recommend will be greatly superior to the easily-manipulated measures that we have now.
Texas is going big on desalination
By Duggan Flanakin, CFACT, Mar 7, 2025
Desalination today provides potable water to billions of people worldwide, with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, and other Middle Eastern countries leading the way. The world’s largest, Ras at Khair in Saudi Arabia, has a capacity of 228 million Imperial gallons per day (MIGD).
Fearmongering by Numbers: The Greenland Ice Sheet “Tipping Point” That Wasn’t
By Charles Rotter, WUWT, Mar 1, 2025
From the river to the idiocy
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Mar 5, 2025
It would be an interesting exercise to apply this methodology to the problems of, say, Stalingrad in 1943 and blame them on climate. Or Troy as the Greeks sailed away chuckling about that horse.
Jolly decent of you
By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Mar 5, 2025
In what will no doubt come as a relief across the UK, “We are absolutely not saying everyone needs to be vegan” according to Emily Nurse, “head of net zero at the UK government’s Climate Change Committee”. How kind. You can still have some meat, just don’t expect to cook it or eat it in a warm house.
But no sacrifice in your lifestyle. At least none you’ll mind. Or none you should mind. Apart from giving up meat and farming and flying and cooking and gardening and that rubbish.
Woolly mice designed to engineer mammoth-like elephants
By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Mar 6, 2025
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