In a shocking video released by Project Veritas, an EPA official appears to confirm what many have long suspected: taxpayer money is being shoveled out the door with reckless abandon, all in the name of climate policy. The official’s words paint a damning picture of an agency prioritizing speed over prudence, all to sidestep political obstacles. His cavalier attitude suggests that the real motive is not saving the planet, but safeguarding their funding from potential Republican oversight.
Gold Bars Off the Titanic: A Scandalous Admission
The official’s metaphor of “throwing gold bars off the Titanic” says it all. Here we have an Environmental Protection Agency employee admitting that the agency’s spending spree is less about strategic investments and more about ensuring the funds are locked into programs that future administrations can’t reverse. The phrase reeks of desperation and irresponsibility, reflecting a mindset that prioritizes politics over the public trust.
One particularly egregious quote reveals the intent behind the chaos:
“We’re throwing gold bars off the Titanic. We’re getting the money out.”
The EPA is deliberately funneled billions into nonprofits to insulate the funds from political accountability. The fact that these programs are less transparent and harder to audit only raises further questions about their legitimacy.
Efron openly admits how the EPA uses nonprofits as a political buffer against Republican administrations—and reveals how he could later reap personal rewards with a cushy job at one of the nonprofits he helped fund during his tenure.
“Over the last year we’ve given out $50 billion dollars for climate things…so to go work for one of these places would be really cool.”
The Inflation Reduction Act: A Billion-Dollar Giveaway?
The official boasts about the scale of the spending, highlighting $50 billion in climate-related funds distributed last year alone. The conversation reveals a startling lack of concern for oversight:
We gave them [nonprofits] the money because… it was an insurance policy against Trump winning. Because they aren’t [a government agency], they’re safer from Republicans taking the money away.
This admission underscores a staggering departure from the responsible stewardship of public funds. If preventing abuse and ensuring efficacy are no longer priorities, then taxpayers are left footing the bill for what amounts to ideological activism masquerading as governance.
The Real Agenda: Politics Over Policy
The video also exposes the underlying political motivations driving this free-for-all. The official admits that the rush to disburse funds is driven by fear of Republican oversight, calling it an “external policy against Trump winning.” This politicization of an ostensibly neutral government agency is troubling. It suggests that the EPA, under its current leadership, views itself not as a public servant but as a partisan tool.
What’s at Stake?
The environmental movement’s defenders might argue that the urgency of climate change justifies these tactics. But even if one accepts the premise of a climate crisis, it does not excuse abandoning accountability. Public trust hinges on transparency and fiscal responsibility—qualities conspicuously absent from this EPA official’s description of the agency’s operations.
Moreover, the decision to funnel funds through nonprofits rather than traditional government programs raises serious concerns. Nonprofits are not subject to the same scrutiny as government agencies, making it difficult to track how these billions are being spent. Are these organizations truly advancing environmental goals, or are they simply lining the pockets of well-connected insiders?
A Titanic Failure of Leadership
The metaphor of the Titanic is all too fitting. It reflects an administration careening toward disaster, its leaders focused not on averting the iceberg but on throwing taxpayer money overboard. The recklessness on display in this video is a microcosm of a broader failure in climate policy, where ideology and expedience often trump science and reason.
The EPA official’s remarks should serve as another in an unending series of wake-up calls for Americans. If we allow government agencies to operate with this level of impunity, we risk not just wasting billions but undermining the very principles of accountability and good governance.
The Project Veritas video is a damning indictment of the EPA’s current trajectory. It exposes an agency more interested in political gamesmanship than in serving the public interest. As taxpayers, we should demand better. Environmental policy, like any other domain of public policy, deserves rigorous scrutiny, not carte blanche spending justified by ideological fervor.
It’s time to hold our leaders accountable—not just for their intentions but for their actions. The EPA’s Titanic approach is sinking public trust, and only transparency and responsibility can patch the hull before it’s too late.
The original Project Veritas article can be found here.
This video is available at our WUWT Climate TV section, a collection of over six hundred videos, featuring new interviews and analysis, and covering dozens of media sources discussing, debating and analyzing the latest in climate science, climate politics, and energy policy, including topics concerning temperature, sea level, polar bears, ocean acidification, extreme weather, censorship, wild fires, and more.
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