By Charles Blaisdell, PhD ChE
The Cloud Reduction Global Warming, CRGW, theory is a cascading natural process that only since about 1970 has become significant in Climate Change. The basic elements of CRGW theory have been around forever, it is the size (% of the earth affected) that has increased to the point that this natural process can be seen. The CRGW theory starts on land with the concept of a Special Parcel, SP, that has been changed from its virgin state such that less water is evaporated than the original virgin land. (SP examples: UHIs, forest to crop, or surface mining) The lower water evaporation (as indicated by lower surface air specific humidity, SH) creates higher temp and lower relative humid, RH, than the original land. How much a SP has changed the evaporation is not known since the original evaporation is not known, but if the land surrounding the SP is unchanged it can be used as a reference (the zero) for how much the SP has changed. The changed vs virgin land difference in SH remains relatively constant as the size of the SP increases with time. The SP’s lower humidity hotter air rises in a plume about 2 to 4 time larger than the land area it came from to cloud level: thus, amplifying the cloud level effect. The cloud cover is related to the Vapor Pressure Deficit, VPD, (the difference between the saturated water vapor pressure and the actual water vapor pressure). Higher VPD less clouds. The less clouds more Sun (lower global albedo). More Sun more atmospheric enthalpy, higher temperatures, and more evaporation of water (SH rising). This cascading series of natural events increase with the size of the earth’s total SPs. Simply put: if less water is put into the atmosphere from land (relative to what was evaporated previously) the global cloud fraction will decrease, and it will get HOTter.
The atmosphere fingerprint supports the CRGW theory: Since 1970 temperatures, specific humidity, enthalpy, and VPD have been rising while relative humidity and cloud cover have been declining. The lower evapotranspiration, ET, (proportional to SH) in over 1500 cities has been confirmed by Mazroonei et al (8). The existence of Urban Heat Island plumes has been modeled and weather balloons have confirmed their existence.
Reasonable estimates of global SP ET (or SH) change in a mathematical models suggest that CRGW could be a significant contributor to global warming and is reversable.
This essay is intended to be a summary of all 7 previous essays (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7) with the theme of CO2 is innocent, but Clouds are Guilty (thanks WUWT). To the reviewers of previous essays thanks for your suggestions and comments. I hope this essay will answer some of your comments.
In this essay ET change and SH change are used interchangeably. Evapotranspiration, ET, is defined as the total water flux evaporated into the atmosphere from surface Evaporation and plant Transpiration. Specific humidity, SH is the concentration of water in air. On an annual basis ET is proportional to surface SH. CRGW theory uses %ET change = %SH change. Change not the actual value.
Prior to about 1970 climate scientist assumed that the annual cloud cover and reflectivity of short-wave radiation of the earth were relativity constant, because there was no data to say otherwise (13). With the advent of satellite data that is changing. The “urban heat island effect”, UHI, was known but alone was too small to be a significant climate change variable. In this essay the UHI’s possible amplifying relationship to cloud reduction and climate change is presented. It is also suggested that other land changes could have similar UHI climate change properties.
CO2 is innocent
The main points of the innocents of CO2 are:
- In the lower atmosphere CO2 is a greenhouse gas that absorbs long wave, LW, radiation and heats the atmosphere. The Beer-Lamber law says that this absorption is a function of distance and concentration (of CO2). At 400 ppm, CO2 is saturated in the lover atmosphere. Saturation means that more CO2 will not change the LW absorption in the lower atmosphere. The IPCC agrees. . See (1) and (2) for more information.
- The IPCC’s current theory (radiative forcing, RF) is that in the upper atmosphere CO2 via Planck’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Law will absorb long wave radiation and reflect heat back to the lower atmosphere. To prove this theory NASA put the CERES satellite up to measure the radiation related to this theory. RF theory should show relatively constant short wave, SW, radiation out and decreasing long wave, LW, radiation out with time See Figure 1. Twenty years of CERES data analyzed by Dübal et al (15)and Loeb et al (16) show SW out decreasing and LW out radiation increasing over the 20 years, contrary to RF theory, see Figure 2. Their papers also indicated there may be some evidence of RF but clouds were the main source of SW and LW change over the 20 years.

- Decreasing relative humidity, RH, with time does not fit the RF theory.
- Decrease in low altitude clouds and no change to high altitude clouds does not fit the RF theory. RF theory would support decreasing all altitude clouds
- Another theory is needed to explain the CERES data and the atmospheric observations. CRGW theory does that.
CRGW Theory – Cascading Natural Steps.
- The Special Parcel, SP
Clausius–Clapeyron law describes the atmospheric behavior in a special parcel, SP: as the SH decreases the temperature increases at a constant enthalpy, see Figure 3. As enthalpy increases this relationship increases. The density decreases as the temperature increases, the decrease in SH has little effect on the density change, see Figure 4.

In a SP the SH change is not known (invisible) because the starting SH is lost to time, but can be relative to surrounding virgin land. Clausius–Clapeyron laws apply to all SPs: urban UHIs, rural structures, forest to crop, surface mining, etc. Prior to 1970 the total area of all these SPs was not large enough to have much of an impact on climate change. All these SPs are sources of ET change (increase of decrease) vs what was there before the SP.
A wide range of ET from UHIs was verified by Mazrooei et al. (2021) (8) and Lu Hao et al. (2021) (9) with a creative method from satellite data. Their data shows SPs in arid environments can have positive ETs and SPs in wet environments have negative ETs, showing a ET range of +10% to -50%. With a -12% ET change globally. Mazrooei et al.’s work proves that the (invisible) starting step of the CRGW theory is real, significant, and negative. See (7) for more information.
- Vapor Pressure Deficit, VPD and Clouds
From the SPs temperature and SH the saturation vapor pressure, Psw, and the actual water vapor pressure, Pw, can be calculated. The difference between these is the Vapor Pressure Deficit, VPD, and is a measure of the probability of condensation of water to clouds, fog, or rain. The lower the VPD the higher the probability of cloud formation. The VPD has been increasing over time and as expected clouds have been decreasing. This correlation, see Figure 5, is not that good, probability due to the fact that all clouds are not the same. Cloud cover includes dark rain clouds, non-rain clouds, high clouds, low clouds, and partly cloudy all these cloud types count in the cloud fraction but have a different correlation to VPD. CERES data (for 20 years) shows that cloud SW radiation reflectivity is a better correlation to the surface VPD, see (3) pie charts 3 and 4. A higher VPD vs cloud cover slope will decrease the cloud cover and thus the global temperature. See (5) for more information.

The increase in SW radiation from the reduced cloud cover is absorbed by the earth to heat the land, oceans, and atmosphere as measured by the enthalpy. The En for the atmospheres can be calculated from the atmospheric (surface) temperature and SH and has increased with time. As expected En and VPD are correlated, see Figure 6. This slope of Figure 6 will be used in a mathematical model.
The increase in SW radiation is absorbed by water and evaporates water (mainly from the oceans). On land plant transportation is the main source of water to the atmosphere. The En vs SH correlation is good, see Figure 7. The slope of Figure 7 will be used in a mathematical model
SPs that produce lower density air (hot air) tend to produce a plume. These plumes amplify the VPD correlation to cloud cover. Modeling has shown UHI plumes can be 2 to 4 time the area of the UHI they came from.
Data from weather balloons “Soundings” suggest that a plume of higher VPD air is created over cloud free UHI’s and can be 1 to 4 time greater than the area of the UHI. The plume is created by the lower density of the hot-lower humidity air (lower ET) rising from the UHI and forcing turbulence (mixing) with the much low humidity air in the upper atmosphere.
“Soundings” data show the VPD decreasing as the altitude increases. If the VPD nears zero clouds may form, see Figure 8. Higher surface VPD increases the probability that the rising air will miss zero and stay clear sky. Bigger plumes increase the area of no clouds. Lower SP air density from lower ET (higher temperature, Figure 2) may cause bigger plumes. See (6) for more information.
Figure 8. VPD vs altitude from a SP.
How much of the Earth is changed
Size matters, if the area of all the SPs on land is less than 2% the CRGW theory is insignificant in climate change; but if the SP area is around 10% the CRGW theory could account for most of the observed climate change. Table 1 shows how the area of several SP categories may have changed over the years. (Table 1 is a guess based on several internet sources.) The increase in area from the 1970s to the present suggest the very little CRGW significance in 1970 to significant in 2020.
Put it all together mathematically
I created an Excel model linked here, using proven Clausius–Clapeyron related psychometrics equations and the correlations in Figures 5, 6, and 7 was developed with inputs of total earth area of SPs, Table 1, and the average ET (SH) change. See (4) for psychometric equations used and more information.
Verbal description of the model:
- Pick a starting point global annual temperature (T) and specific humidity (SH) from on-line global data (11) and calculate the global Enthalpy and VPD. (example for 1975: T=14.01 ‘C and SH= 7.59 g/kg(da) calculated En=33.37 kJ/kg(da) and VPD = 3.82hP/kg(da))
- Input an average change in SH to the sum-total of all the SPs on land. (example -12%). Subtract % change in SH from the starting SH. (example SPs SH = 6.68g/kg(da)).
- From psychometric equations a SP temperature can be calculated at the same En in step 1. (example T= 16.3 ‘C)
- Input the total area of all SPs on land. (example 10%)
- Use a global energy balance with the SP’s T and SH to calculate the new average global temperature and VPD. (example: SH = 7.54 g/kg(da) and T = 14.18 ‘C and VPD = 4.04 hP/kg(da), En will be the same as starting conditions.)
- The change in VPD in step 5 will force a change in cloud fraction and the resulting En according to the slope of the VPD vs En correlations. (example new En = 34.16 kJ/kg(da))
- At this point in the model En is an empirical representation of the new level of energy in the atmosphere that can evaporate more water as represented by a strong SH vs En correlation. (example SH= 7.70 g/kg(da))
- With SH and En from steps 7 and 6 a new T can be calculated. (example: T= 14.54 ‘C)
- With step 8 SH and T calculate a new VPD. Example: VPD = 4.24 hP/kg(da))
- Use this interim VPD to estimate an interim En from slope of VPD vs En and an interim SH from SH vs En slope.
- Repeat step 10 until T, SH, En, and VPD quit changing (about 10 iterations). (example final ( T= 15.1 ‘C, SH = 7.95 g/kg(da), En = 35.37 kJ/kg(da), VPD = 4.37 hP/kg(da))
The model’s results for the example above are shown in Figure 9 along with the observed data. Note there are many combinations of ET change, earth area, and plume size that will give results like observed.
With new data and input from readers, CRGW theory has been evolving over the 7 essays already published in WUWT. This essay suggests that cascading natural steps in CRGW theory are real and significant contributor to global warming. The psychrometric equations governing atmospheric properties are proven science. The correlation of VPD to cloud cover and enthalpy should exist and should improve with time. The magnitudes of the VPD to clouds and atmospheric enthalpy relationships has uncertainty, but the negative slope of VPD vs Clouds and the positive slope of VPD vs enthalpy support the CRGW theory. The special parcel ET change is just being studies for UHIs, no ET change study has been done for forest to crop or mining. The global area of the SPs could be refined. Plumes exist but need a lot of research to quantify the global contribution. The suggested values for ET change, SP area, and plume size variables produce a temperature rise close to observed.
A mathematical model comes close to matching the atmospheric fingerprint: a strong suggestion that CRGW is a significant contributor to climate change. This model also suggests that CRGW theory can be stopped or reversed. If any combination of higher +ET change, reduced SP area, or new source of water into the atmosphere can stop or reverse climate change.
The CRGW theory is that a lower ET locally mixes with global air to reduce cloud formation, less cloud means more sun and more evaporation of water to increase the global ET (SH). A decrease in local ET (SH) causes a global increase in ET (SH)! – This happens because the SP’s lower ET change is relative to its virgin ET and remains relatively constant while the area of the SP increases the global increase in ET is absolute.
Time for the IPCC to add CRGW theory to their evaluation of climate change?
CO2 is innocent but clouds are guilty.
1. “Where have all the Clouds gone and why care? “ by Charles Blaisdell (2022) web link: Where have all the Clouds gone and why care? – Watts Up With That?
2. “CO2 is Innocent, but Clouds are Guilty. New Science has Created a “Black Swan Event”**” by Charles Blaisdell (2022) web link CO2 is Innocent but Clouds are Guilty. New Science has Created a “Black Swan Event”** – Watts Up With That?
3. “More on Cloud Reduction. CO2 is innocent but Clouds are guilty” (4/13/2023) bby Charles Blaisdell web link More on Cloud Reduction. CO2 is innocent but Clouds are guilty (2023). – Watts Up With That?
4. “An Unexplored Source of Climate Change: Land Evapotranspiration Changes Over Time.” (2023) By Charles Blaisdell web link An Unexplored Source of Climate Change: Land Evapotranspiration Changes Over Time. – Watts Up With That?
5. VPD, Vapor Pressure Deficit a Correlation to Global Cloud Fraction? (8/6/ 2024) by Charles Blaisdell web link VPD, Vapor Pressure Deficit a Correlation to Global Cloud Fraction? – Watts Up With That?
6. “Soundings, Weather Balloons, and Vapor Pressure Deficit” (8/ 2024) by Charles Blaisdell web link Soundings, Weather Balloons, and Vapor Pressure Deficit – Watts Up With That?
7. “Not that ET! The Terrestrial ET: EvapoTranspiration, the Unexplored Source of Climate Change” (9/29/ 2024) By Charles Blaisdell web link Not that ET! The Terrestrial ET: EvapoTranspiration, the Unexplored Source of Climate Change – Watts Up With That?
8. “Urbanization Impacts on Evapotranspiration Across Various Spatio-Temporal Scales” (2021) by Amir Mazrooei, Meredith Reitz, Dingbao Wang, A. Sankarasubramanian web link Urbanization Impacts on Evapotranspiration Across Various Spatio‐Temporal Scales – Mazrooei – 2021 – Earth’s Future – Wiley Online Library
9. “Urbanization alters atmospheric dryness through land evapotranspiration” (2023) by Lu Hao Ge Sun, Xiaolin Huang, Run Tang, Kailun Jin, Yihan Lai, Dongxu Chen, Yaoqi Zhang, Decheng Zhou, Zong-Liang Yang, Lang Wang, Gang Dong & Wenhong Li web link Urbanization alters atmospheric dryness through land evapotranspiration | npj Climate and Atmospheric Science (
10. “Urbanization Aggravates Effects of Global Warming on Local Atmospheric Drying” (2021) by Xiaolin Huang, Lu Hao, Ge Sun, Zong-Liang Yang, Wenhong Li, Dongxu Chen web link Urbanization Aggravates Effects of Global Warming on Local Atmospheric Drying – Huang – 2022 – Geophysical Research Letters – Wiley Online Library
11. Climate Explorer web site Climate Explorer: Select a monthly field ( go to “Cloud Cover” or any other data set, for CC click “EUMETSAT CM-SAF 0.25° cloud fraction” click “select field” at top of page on next page enter latitude (-90 to 90) and longitude (-180 to 180) for whole earth. Raw data link is above the graph.
12. “Horizontal extent of the urban heat dome flow” (2017) by Yifan Fan, Yuguo Li, Adrian Bejan, Yi Wang & Xinyan Yang web link Horizontal extent of the urban heat dome flow | Scientific Reports (
13. “Clouds and relative humidity in climate models; or what really regulates cloud cover?” by Walcek, C. (1996) web link Clouds and relative humidity in climate models; or what really regulates cloud cover? (Technical Report) | OSTI.GOV
14. “Climate and clouds” by web site link climate4you ClimateAndClouds
15. “Radiative Energy Flux Variation from 2001–2020” by Hans-Rolf Dübal and Fritz Vahrenholt web link: Atmosphere | Free Full-Text | Radiative Energy Flux Variation from 2001–2020 | HTML (
16. “Satellite and Ocean Data Reveal Marked Increase in Earth’s Heating Rate” by Norman G. Loeb,Gregory C. Johnson,Tyler J. Thorsen,John M. Lyman,Fred G. Rose,Seiji Kato CERES 20 years 2
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